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Scheme modules using HERALD, MODULE, and IMPORT.
- To: rrrs-authors@mc.lcs.mit.edu
- Subject: Scheme modules using HERALD, MODULE, and IMPORT.
- From: John D. Ramsdell <ramsdell%linus@mitre-bedford.ARPA>
- Date: Tue, 14 Jun 88 08:18:27 EDT
- In-Reply-To: Jonathan A Rees's message of Mon, 13 Jun 88 10:44:01 EDT <396501.880613.JAR@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>
- Posted-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 88 08:18:27 EDT
- Posted-From: The MITRE Corp., Bedford, MA
I think the major difference between the Rees/ML proposal and mine
(call it the Ramsdell/Modula-II proposal) is Rees/ML has quasi first
class environments, and my proposal has no environment like values.
My proposal was built on a modest extension of the lexical structure
of Scheme. The Rees/ML approach is more ambitious. As I see it, the
big question is "should a module design for the language Scheme
include adding environment values or should environment values only be
part of the debugging environment?" Jonathan has obviously given his
>One thing that always bugs me is that it is often assumed that
>interfaces and modules are in 1-1 correspondence. Doesn't Modula-II have
>that bug? I prefer the ML- or Mesa-like approach where the interface is
>specified independently and can be used by several different modules,
>and perhaps clients as well. That's what I was getting at with
Yeah, that is a good point.