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Re: applicability of "syntax" constructs

    From: gls@Think.COM
    Subject:  applicability of "syntax" constructs
       Date: Tue, 27 Oct 87 11:13:10 est
       From: R. Kent Dybvig <dyb@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu>
       Instead of using $ to mark syntactic keywords, why not use the
       convention that keywords are capitalized (or in all-caps) and that
       identifiers are in lower case?
    BECAUSE people hate mixed case AND think it is ugly.
    WOULD you want TO use mixed case IN your code?
    --Quux    :-)

$really!  $it is obviously better to use dollar signs.  $at least
$i think so.  $don't you?

Seriously, I do not find the following terribly ugly:

   (Define fumble
      (Lambda (x)
         (If (< x 0)
             (fumble (- x))


   (DEFINE fumble
      (LAMBDA (x)
         (IF (< x 0)
             (- (fumble (- x)))

I would prefer to put keywords in bold face, but those with
upper-case only terminals wouldn't be the only ones left out in
the cold!