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a few more comments
It may be too late to bother with any of this, but here are a few
comments on the R3RS copy handed out at the conference.
char-ready? looks too much like char-lower-case?, char-alphabetic?,
etc., and not enough like read-char. I think read-char-ready? would
be much more appropriate. Besides, some implementation or future
RnRS may want to have a write-char-ready?. Is there any reason not
to change the name?
In the number formats, the syntax (exactness) is used within two of
the examples of 6.5.6, but this form is not explicitly allowed in
6.5.7. My feeling is that the modifier s or e should be required,
as implied in 6.5.7. The formats are pretty complicated as is.
What happens on string<?, string>?, string<=?, string>=?, string-ci<?,
string-ci>?, string-ci<=?, string-ci>=? when one string is longer
than the other? I would add "If two strings differ in length but
are the same up to the length of the shorter string, the shorter string
is considered to be lexographically less than the longer string".
The procedure substring-fill! is the only procedure left that sticks
out to me as unnecessary and rarely useful. Perhaps someone can
explain to me why it should be in the standard.
Why is there not a vector-null? function..., or why not delete null?
and string-null? to be consistent?
1.3.1 strike the word "will"
2.1 it is not clear what "extended alphabetic characters" are here;
I think that the list should be moved here from 2.3, which is, after
all, titled "other" notations. At the least, a forward pointer is
2.1 last sentence, replace "between" with "among"
2.3 mention that ) is used to close a vector constant
6.9 optional if syntax should not be used in example
True Nitpick
7.3 in first case description...
(let ((key <key> )
^ extra space