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Re: Remaining questions & remarks (2)

      (a) leave things as they are (BEGIN essential with non-essential
	  synonym SEQUENCE),
      (b) remove BEGIN and make SEQUENCE essential (noting in the Notes
	  section that BEGIN, like #!TRUE etc., should be supported by
	  those implementations which care about running code written in
	  the past year).

*****> (a).  Fix the book so we can get rid of SEQUENCE.
2.  <names of arithmetic comparators>
      (a) leave things as they are
      (b) flush the alternative names  <? <=? >? >=? =?

*****> (b).  MacScheme will continue to support the alternative names.
      (a) Keep both
      (b) Flush both

*****> (b).

*****> Flush them, but encourage Chris Hanson to publish his suite of
       operations in a separate document.
5.  <the possibility of parallel or interleaved argument evaluation>

*****> Drop the comment.  (I use call-without-interrupts, but that
       might not be so sweet on some multiprocessors.)
6.  Number input exactness: two proposals have been advanced to decide whether
    a number is exact or inexact if it has no #I or #E prefix and contains no
    trailing #'s.
      (a) Inexact if there are digits following a decimal point, or if
          exponential notation is used.  Otherwise exact.  (This makes
	  exctness similar to "floatness" in CL.)
      (b) A proposal which Will advanced, which I'm unable to locate right
          now, so he'll have to re-send it.
    I'll additionally advance another alternative, and you can make up more of
    your own:
      (c) Always exact.  E.g. "1.2" is exact.
*****> (b).  The proposal was that exponents be treated as shorthand, so
       for example 1.2e3 would be treated as though it had been written 1200,
       1.2000e3 would be treated as though it had been written 1200.0, and so
       on; if, after getting rid of the exponent in this way, there are
       digits following a decimal point, then assume inexact; otherwise
       assume exact.
       (a) is also ok.  I think scientists and engineers would quickly
       become exasperated by (c), however.

7.  Must a port still be a port...after being closed?

*****> No, but we shouldn't make a big issue of whatever we decide.
8.  Apparently there's no difference between ABS and MAGNITUDE.  Should we
    keep both?  If so, should I change the presentation in any way?
*****> Flush MAGNITUDE.  Talk about ABS where MAGNITUDE is now talked

9.  ANGLE is what Common Lisp calls PHASE; any interest in changing the
    name? ...
*****> I don't care.

10. Two-argument arctangent (ATAN Y X) is unnecessary, since its effect
    can be trivially achieved by (ANGLE (MAKE-RECTANGULAR X Y)).  Do we
    apply Occam's razor and remove it?  If it's retained, then I'll just
    document it as being the same as (ANGLE (MAKE-RECTANGULAR X Y)).

*****> PLEASE don't flush two-argument ATAN, because an implementation
       that supports flonums but not complexnums is going to have a hard
       time with (ANGLE (MAKE-RECTANGULAR X Y)).

11. ...Is anyone opposed to having an essential procedure PROCEDURE?...

*****> I very much want one.  I agree with Dan that
       (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (k) (procedure? k)))
       must be true.

12. (if x 1) vs.  (cond (x 1)) -- this is inconsistent...
      (a) Change IF expressions so that they return the value of the
	  second form if the first form evaluates to [true].
      (b) Change COND and CASE so that they return an unspecified value if
	  there is no ELSE clause.

*****> (a).

13. Many people would like to see the (define ((((a b) c) d) e) ...)
    feature go away.

*****> Flush.  MacScheme will continue to support it.

14. Status of LOAD not resolved.  If, as I suggested, LOAD is only
    to be syntactically valid at top level of a file, shouldn't it be
    renamed to be INCLUDE ?

*****> LOAD should be syntactically valid only at the top level of a file.
       I suppose it should be renamed to INCLUDE, but I don't want to.
       LOAD seems a more appropriate name for something that will in fact
       be used interactively, even though we don't talk about interactive
       programming in the report.

15. Page breaks and tabs are mentioned in the report (actually I guess I
    added them - sorry), but there are no #\PAGE or #\TAB characters...

*****> Please neutralize the places that mention tabs and page breaks.
       Let's not get hung up about characters.

16. If page breaks are documented, should [they] terminate comments?

*****> I think so.

17. Bartley says: "the second sentence of the description of EQUAL? should
    say that EQV? is used for all objects except pairs, vectors, and
    strings."  Forcing it to use EQV? seems kind of random to me.  This
    would of course make my notion of "apparent equivalence" useless,
    destroying what I deluded myself into thinking was an elegant symmetry
    between EQV? and EQUAL?; maybe it's a bogus idea anyhow.  I
    intentionally wanted to be silent on this point, allowing EQUAL? to
    return true more often than EQV? perhaps, but I don't care that much.

*****> I think your "apparent equivalence" was a valiant effort on behalf
       of a lost cause.  I think Bartley's suggestion will simplify the
       report and will make the language easier to understand and use.


Presentation questions:

18. Several people have complained about Clinger's perhaps overly accurate
    description of what happens when variables become bound.  To be
    accurate, we have to say that locations are created and the initial
    value is stored in the location, but this doesn't sit well with the
    desire to have Scheme sound like an almost-functional language.
    What to do?

*****> Admit that Scheme isn't functional.  Add a note to the effect that
       in programs without side effects one can safely pretend that the
       variables are bound directly to the arguments.
19. What should the dedication be?  Sussman suggested the PDP-6, which was
    the world's first Lisp machine, but some people didn't like this joke.
    I have changed it to Christopher Strachey in the draft.

*****> The abstract from the RRRS was a better joke, because it said
       something serious.  A dedication to DEC PDP-6 Serial Number 2
       could well offend the memory of the person to whom the Algol 60
       Report was dedicated, so I think we'd better flush it.  Do we
       have to have a dedication?  I'm not sure how many of us actually
       met Christopher Strachey.  I remember Alonzo Church from the 1982
       Lisp Conference, and he might be better; maybe we could dedicate
       the report to both.  I believe that Church died a couple of years
       ago, but I might be thinking of Haskell Curry instead.  Dan?  Mitch?

20. Is it OK to replace "Lazy ML" with "SASL"...

*****> Yes.
21. Should section numbers be zero-based?

*****> I've decided that zero-based numbering is perceived as cutesy.
       I've found it helpful to have an unnumbered introductory section
       at the beginning of a chapter, which I think of as section 0 of
       that chapter, but I think it's best not to number it that way.
       My apologies for setting the precedent in the RRRS.
22. Was Scheme the first programming language to have first-class lexical
    closures?  Can we say anything edifying along these lines?

*****> I don't think Scheme was the first.  Scheme is unique not because
       it was the first to have anything (except full continuations, and
       even there it was anticipated by one of Reynolds's unimplemented
       languages), but because it was nearly the first at many things
       and succeeded in integrating those avant garde features.
23. I flushed the historical note "CATCH could be provided by a procedure"
    sentence (again, because two or three people thought it was random and I
    agreed), but some of you have complained about this.  Why should this
    bit of history be present, but not others that are at least as

*****> Something needs to be said about the evolution of the special form
       into a procedure having a different name.  As the paragraph stands
       in the 3 June draft, it makes no connection between the operators
       mentioned in the paragraph and call-with-current-continuation.  The
       typical reader will wonder why the paragraph is there.  The reason
       that history is called for in this instance is that the concepts
       are completely new to most readers, and they will need help to
       appreciate their significance.  Someday the rationale will be
       unnecessary, but by then the R3RS will be a standard reference
       cited by people who want to talk about the history of
       I favor adding a sentence such as "CALL-WITH-CURRENT-CONTINUATION
       is equivalent in power to the 1975 CATCH, but is a procedure rather
       than a special syntax."
24. CALL/CC was mentioned in a sentence in a rationale in the RRRS.  I
    flushed the reference because (a) a number of people find the name
    CALL/CC quite distasteful and (b) it is inconsistent to mention here
    that some scheme implementations provide an alternate name for this but
    not also do so for LABELS, BLOCK, and a zillion other things.
*****> As someone who writes manuals for a mass audience, I find the name
       CALL/CC quite distasteful.  It was in the RRRS to placate those
       who objected to the length of CALL-WITH-CURRENT-CONTINUATION.
       This was a political compromise; I suggest we leave the RRRS
       wording alone rather than try to achieve a new compromise.

25. How best to resolve the inconsistencies between terminology in text and
    semantics?  Namely: "I", "Ide", "identifier" in semantics vs. "variable"
    in text; "Com", "command" in semantics vs. "statement" in text.
*****> In the abstract syntax, say "identifiers (variables)" and
       "commands (statements)".

26. FORCE & DELAY are still problematic...

*****> I don't care.
27. Is 3.0.2 (description of procedure calls) a good place to take note that
    () is not a valid procedure call?

*****> Ok with me.
28. In section 0.0, 2nd paragraph, before the terms "variable" and
    "identifier" have been defined, it should say "variable" instead of
    "identifier" to be consistent with the rest of the report.  Is that OK?

*****> Yes.  Dan points out that the semantics of "variable" is highly
       variable, but we have an advantage over most authors in that people
       can turn to the formal syntax and semantics if they want to know
       what's really going on.  Section 2.0 is a pretty good informal
       description.  I think people can deal with a few loaded terms
       in an overview like section 0.0.
29. There are two nonterminals in the BNF that need names.  Currently they
    are called <formals> and <formalz> which was never intended to be a
    serious suggestion (I put it there to see if anyone would actually read
    the BNF!).  Actually one or both of these can go away if NAMED-LAMBDA
    and/or (DEFINE ((( ...) ...) ...) ...) go away.  Can someone who likes
    these things take a look at the BNF and suggest names for these?
*****> I hope NAMED-LAMBDA and the complicated DEFINE syntax depart from
       the report, but even if they do we still have to deal with <formalz>
       in the (DEFINE (FOO . X) ...) syntax; perhaps the possibilities
       could be expanded in-line.

30. Someone wanted me to avoid discussion of immutable objects in the
    discussion of operational equivalence in the 2nd paragraph before entry
    for EQV? .  I want to mention immutability there because I think it's
    important to warn users that this might be the case, otherwise they can
    easily end up writing unportable code.

*****> In my opinion, the paragraph in question is too little to deal
       with the problem.  It uses "immutable" without explaining what
       it means; worse, it appears that the typical reader is supposed
       to know as a matter of course that "mutation procedures" (whatever
       they are) can't be applied to immutable objects.  As to which
       objects are immutable, all we have is the suggestion that objects
       returned by literal expressions may be immutable.
       I believe the paragraph at the end of 3.0.1 is sufficient.  The
       report is a definition, not a tutorial.


DISPLAY writes characters like WRITE-CHAR does.

*****> I assume it's ok for an implementation that represents characters as
       imaginary numbers to have (DISPLAY #\a) print "-97i"?

Peace, Will