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R^3RS draft

I have mailed / given out copies of the latest draft of the report (22
May).  People in Boston and New Haven should have either received one
from me or should stop by and pick one up.  A copy went to Tektronix by
special courier.  People with Internet access AND Latex AND something
that will read Unix "tar" files should FTP to MIT-PREP, using user
Scheme and null password if necessary, and get the file
"/u/jar/r3rs.tar".  If FTP doesn't seem to work, then try telnetting to
PREP and logging in as Scheme (no password needed).  The login shell is
FTP.  Send the abovementioned file to your machine.  Extract all the
files somewhere and run Latex on the file "rrrs.tex".  If you don't have
something that will read tar files, use FTP to get all the files on the
directory /u/jar/r3rs.

On Friday I mailed one copy to Dan Friedman and one copy to Dave
Bartley, so people at Indiana and TI should get extra copies from them.
Anyone else who wants one mailed should let me know right away (although
I think that everyone has been taken care of).

There is a cover letter, too, relevant parts of which I'll send
