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proposing changes to RRRS
Date: Thursday, 20 February 1986 19:58-EST
From: willc%tekchips%tektronix.csnet at CSNET-RELAY.ARPA
Controversial changes
Page 17: I'd still like to see named-lambda removed from the language
definition. Any implementation capable of handling
(named-lambda (var ...) ...) specially should be capable of handling
(rec var (lambda (...) ...)) specially.
I agree, despite the fact that I invented this one in MIT Scheme (I
wish I hadn't, this special form proliferation is driving me nuts!) I
would go one step farther, in proposing to flush REC as well, since
such an implementation could also handle the special case of LETREC
just as easily (however, I bet there are folks out there, unlike me,
who use REC all the time.)
Page 19: In talking about do, RRRS says that "the results of the step
expressions are stored in the bindings of the vars". I would rather change
the semantics so that the step expressions are evaluated, the vars are
bound to fresh locations, and the results of the step expressions are
stored into those locations.
The proposed semantics is the one that has been used in Scheme up until
the RRRS. MacScheme and T3 still use it in violation of RRRS; others
may also.
Yes! I never even looked at it closely enough to notice that the MIT
Scheme implementation also uses the proposed semantics rather than the
RRRS semantics.