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Backquote algorithm
Date: 20 Nov 1985 0950-CST
From: David Bartley <Bartley%CSL60%ti-csl.csnet at CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
I'd appreciate it if you'd send me a copy of your quasiquote expander.
Actually I think it'll be easier if I send it to everyone. I hope
people who don't care about this don't mind if I clutter their mailboxes
with it.
I won't guarantee that this 100% works, but I've tested it a little.
- Jonathan
;;; An expansion of `x or (#!quasiquote x) is obtained by calling
;;; the procedure EXPAND-QUASIQUOTE with argument x.
;;; The expansion involves only QUOTE forms and calls to LIST, APPEND,
;;; and CONS*. CONS* is the only nonstandard procedure, and its
;;; semantics could be given by
;;; (define (cons* x . rest)
;;; (if (null? rest) x (cons x (apply cons* rest))))
;;; It should be pretty easy to eliminate the use of CONS*, if that's
;;; desirable.
(define (expand-quasiquote x)
(define quasiquote-marker '#!quasiquote)
(define unquote-marker '#!unquote)
(define splice-marker '#!unquote-splice)
(define (finalize-quasiquote mode arg)
(cond ((eq? mode 'quote) `',arg)
((eq? mode 'unquote) arg)
((eq? mode 'splice)
(error ",@ in illegal context"
(else `(,mode ,@arg))))
;; The continuation argument c is passed two values, mode and arg.
;; These are interpreted as follows:
;; mode arg meaning
;; QUOTE x 'x
;; UNQUOTE x x
;; LIST (x1 x2 ...) (LIST x1 x2 ...)
;; CONS* (x1 x2 ...) (CONS* x1 x2 ...)
;; APPEND (x1 x2 ...) (APPEND x1 x2 ...)
(define (descend-quasiquote x level c)
(cond ((not (pair? x)) (c 'quote x))
((interesting-to-quasiquote? x quasiquote-marker)
(descend-quasiquote-pair x (1+ level) c))
((interesting-to-quasiquote? x unquote-marker)
(cond ((= level 0)
(c 'unquote (cadr x)))
(descend-quasiquote-pair x (- level 1) c))))
((interesting-to-quasiquote? x splice-marker)
(cond ((= level 0)
(c 'splice (cadr x)))
(descend-quasiquote-pair x (- level 1) c))))
(descend-quasiquote-pair x level c))))
;; It would be simple to make this generate only a correct expansion;
;; most of the complexity here is in order to generate an
;; "optimized" expansion.
(define (descend-quasiquote-pair x level c)
(descend-quasiquote (car x) level
(lambda (car-mode car-arg)
(descend-quasiquote (cdr x) level
(lambda (cdr-mode cdr-arg)
(cond ((and (eq? car-mode 'quote) (eq? cdr-mode 'quote))
(c 'quote x))
((eq? car-mode 'splice)
(cond ((and (eq? cdr-mode 'quote) (null? cdr-arg))
(c 'unquote
((eq? cdr-mode 'append)
(c 'append
(cons car-arg cdr-arg)))
(c 'append
(list car-arg
(finalize-quasiquote cdr-mode cdr-arg))))))
((and (eq? cdr-mode 'quote) (null? cdr-arg))
(c 'list
(list (finalize-quasiquote car-mode car-arg))))
((or (eq? cdr-mode 'list) (eq? cdr-mode 'cons*))
(c cdr-mode
(cons (finalize-quasiquote car-mode car-arg)
(c 'cons*
(list (finalize-quasiquote car-mode car-arg)
(finalize-quasiquote cdr-mode cdr-arg))))))))))
(define (interesting-to-quasiquote? x marker)
(and (pair? x)
(eq? (car x) marker)
(pair? (cdr x))
(null? (cddr x))))
(descend-quasiquote x 0 finalize-quasiquote))