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- To: scheme@MIT-MC
- Subject: IF and WHEN
- From: Paul Hudak <Hudak@YALE.ARPA>
- Date: Thu, 28 Mar 85 10:02:05 EST
- Invalid-Addresses: JINX@OZ.MIT.ARPA (?Invalid domain (host))
The issue of IF vs. WHEN came up when this mailing-list was first
set up, at which time I responded in favor of WHEN. I'd like to say
again why: when I read other people's code and come across an IF,
I almost always search to see if there is a second arm. The bad thing
about this is that if I don't see one I look harder, carefully matching
parens, to make sure I didn't miss it. I don't buy the "indentation"
argument, because one shouldn't trust other people to follow stylistic
conventions. Simply from a readability standpoint, WHEN is a good
idea, but at least we should require that IF have two arms.
"Feeping creaturism" is not always bad...