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length vs. list-length
My primary concern about the length function seems to have been
lost in the ensuing discussions. I do not insist that Scheme
have a generic length function. I do insist that the naming
convention for such functions be consistent.
Doesn't this look a little odd?
(define generic-length
(lambda (x)
(cond ((string? x) (string-length x))
((vector? x) (vector-length x))
((list? x) (length x)))))
I like this much better:
(define generic-length
(lambda (x)
(cond ((string? x) (string-length x))
((vector? x) (vector-length x))
((list? x) (list-length x)))))
We have list-ref, vector-ref and string-ref. Why should we not
have list-length rather than length? While we're at it, why
not have list-append rather than append? Any functions that makes
sense for strings, lists, and vectors should be named with
the appropriate type-name prefix. (Even though the language
doesn't specify a reverse function for vectors or strings
and since such functions would be reasonable, the reverse
function for lists should be named list-reverse.)