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Concept Index


  • accessibility of slots
  • accessor, for slot
  • c

  • chained method
  • class
  • class name
  • class options
  • class precedence list
  • computed emps
  • computed method
  • constructor, class option
  • d

  • direct subclass
  • direct superclass
  • e

  • effective method procedure
  • emp
  • g

  • generic procedure
  • i

  • initialize-instance
  • instance, instance
  • l

  • local precedence order
  • m

  • method
  • modifier, for slot
  • n

  • name, of class
  • o

  • order, local precedence
  • p

  • precedence list, class
  • precedence order, local
  • predefined classes
  • predicate, class option
  • printing instances
  • r

  • record class
  • s

  • separator, class option
  • slot
  • slot accessor
  • slot descriptor
  • slot modifier
  • slot, uninitialized
  • specializer
  • subclass
  • subclass, direct
  • superclass
  • superclass, direct
  • u

  • uninitialized slot

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