6.805/STS085 Short paper #1 for MIT students
This assignment is for MIT students only. There will be two short
papers required this semester. The first is due before
Tuesday, October 20.
This paper is primarily a writing assignment. We will be grading this
based on the quality of your writing and your arguments. This is not
a research paper, so don't feel you have to break new ground or
provide extensive references -- your team white paper will provide
plenty of opportunity for that. For this paper, it's fine to
synthesize ideas from the class discussions and readings and your own
opinions, so long as things are clearly stated and logically argued.
The paper should be a minimum of 1500 words and a maximum of 2500
Identify a particular area or application involving
identity, privacy, or content control, where there are at least two
clear alternative technical architectures one might implement to deal
with these. Each architecture will act as a "regime of code" that
constrains or encourages certain behaviors on the Internet.
Briefly describe the alternative architectures and compare them, both
in terms of their technology and their legal and social implications.
Based on your comparison, can you argue for adopting one rather than
the other?
It is embarrassing to turn in something with spelling or grammatical
errors. Please use a spelling corrector and proofread your paper
carefully. As a first step in grading, we will pass the paper
through a spelling corrector, and return as unread any paper
with multiple errors.
Do not spend effort formatting your paper. Send us plain ASCII text.
Do not send us Microsoft Word documents, PDF files, Latex
source, etc., etc. -- just plain ASCII text. Do not worry about
italics, underlining, fonts, and so on.
Turn in you paper by sending it via email to
Hal Abelson (hal@mit.edu)
Joanne Costello (joanne@mit.edu)
Mike Fischer (mfischer@mit.edu)
Please send your paper as ordinary Email, not as an attached
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Hal Abelson (hal@mit.edu)
Joanne Costello (joanne@mit.edu)
Mike Fischer (mfischer@mit.edu)
Larry Lessig (lessig@law.harvard.edu)
Jonathan Zittrain (zittrain@law.harvard.edu)
Send comments about this site to 6805-webmaster@martigny.ai.mit.edu.
Last modified: October 6 1998, 11:48 AM