6.001 Spring 1998: (Non) Problem set 9

Quiz 2 announcement

Issued Tuesday, April 7, 1998

Quiz 2 is on Tuesday, April 14. The quiz will be held in Walker Memorial Gymnasium (50-340) from 5--7PM xor 7--9PM. You may take the quiz during either one of these two periods, but students taking the quiz during the first period will not be allowed to leave the room until the end of the period. Optional review sessions for the quiz will be held
Sunday 7-9:26-168
Sunday 8-10:24-121
Monday 7-9:4-163
(Note that this information was changed since PS9 was distributed on April 7.)

The quiz is open book. The quiz will cover material presented from the beginning of the semester through recitation on April 3, the textbook through Chapter 3, and the general material covered in the problem sets through problem set 8.

You should get a copy of the actual handout distributed in lecture on Tuesday, April 7, and bring a copy of it with you to the quiz. For students who missed lecture, you can download a postscript version of the handout here, or you can obtain a copy from the 6.001 course secretary, Rebecca Bisbee in NE43-430.

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Last modified: April 8 1998, 10:06 AM