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3. Programming Assignment

Begin by loading the code for problem set 8. The first thing to try is to see how Scheme deals with streams of inputs you type from the keyboard. The code for the problem set includes a procedure input-stream that generates a stream of the expressions you type, and also a procedure stream-pp that pretty-prints a stream one element at a time.

Try evaluating (stream-pp (input-stream)). If you are in the *scheme* buffer, you should see a prompt at the bottom of the screen requesting input. Type an expression followed by ENTER. Scheme will pretty-print the expression and request more input. This input stream is a potentially infinite stream: you can keep entering expressions for as long as you like. To terminate the stream type a period. Alternatively, you can break out the input by typing C-g (i.e., CTRL-g).

You'll be using input-stream to enter streams of phonemes. As an alternative to always entering items one at a time at the keyboard, you can also use the procedure list->stream, which converts a list of elements into a stream of elements. Try evaluating

(stream-pp (list->stream '(th e * c a t * l oo k e d * a t * th e * f i sh)))

and then produce the same printed response using input-stream.

Simulating the front-end processor

The problem set code includes a procedure make-random-confusion that takes as arguments a (supposedly spoken) phoneme and a noise level and returns a list of possible phonemes this might be, together with a weight (probability) to assign to that phoneme choice. For example

(make-random-confusion 'a .2)
;Value: ((u .54) (a .32) (o .14))

produces a list that says that the result is ``u'' with likelihood .54, ``a'' with likelihood .32, and ``o'' with likelihood .14. (Note that the actual input was ``a''.)

We'll call such a result a list of weighted elements. A weighted element consists of some data and an associated weight. The problem set code provides a constructor make-weighted and selectors weighted-data and weighted-weight for handling weighted elements.

Make-random-confusion is designed so that the weights of the elements it returns sum to 1 and the elements are listed in order from largest to smallest weight. The procedure uses randomness to simulate the noise, so calling it repeatedly will give different results.

The second argument to make-random-confusion represents a noise level, which should be between 0 and 1. With noise level 0, the ``real'' phoneme will (over many evaluations) tend to have a weight five times as large as that of the alternatives. With noise level 1 (very noisy) all the choices will tend to have the same weight--the phoneme that was actually input will not be preferred to any of the alternatives.

Computer exercise 1:

Write a procedure simulate-front-end that takes a stream of phonemes and a noise level as arguments and maps make-random-confusion along the stream to produce the stream of weighted alternatives. Using this, implement procedures phoneme-input-stream and noisy-phoneme-input-stream that simulate the operation of the front-end processor on a stream of phonemes you type at the keyboard. (Use noise levels of 0 and 1 for the two streams.) Try these out and observe the results. Also implement phoneme-stream-from-list and noisy-phoneme-stream-from-list that simulate the front-end processor operating on a given list of phonemes. Turn in listings of your definitions, and also the result of evaluating

(stream-pp (noisy-phoneme-stream-from-list '(p i g)))
Check the 6.001 discussion forum for computer-ex-01
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Splitting the stream into ``words''

Now that we can simulate streams of phoneme alternatives coming from the front-end processor, let's split these into words so we can try to identify them. The procedure split-stream, included in the problem set code, takes as arguments a stream and a predicate. It divides the stream into chunks, producing a stream of lists, where each list is a chunk of consecutive elements of the stream. Stream elements that satisfy the predicate are assumed to be markers that signal the beginning of a new chunk. These markers are not included in any of the chunks.

Computer exercise 2:

Using split-stream, implement a procedure split-stream-at-silences that chunks the stream into ``words'' by splitting the stream at the stars. Demonstrate your procedure by using stream-pp to look at the result of splitting a phoneme-input-stream where you input a short phrase such as

a * p i g * l oo k e d * a t * th e * b i g * d o g
You should see your output printed a word at a time, so you won't see anything printed until you type a star. (Note: When make-random-confusion is given a ``phoneme'' symbol that is not in its table (e.g., a star) it returns a weighted object with that symbol as data and a weight of 1. So to test for a star, you should test whether the data part of the object is the symbol *.)
Check the 6.001 discussion forum for computer-ex-02
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Finding real words

Now that we have the stream divided into chunks, we need to decipher each chunk into possible words. We'll start by generating all possible choices of phoneme sequences for each chunk, using the procedure all-choices which you reviewed for tutorial. We'll then filter these choices to find the ones that correspond to words in the dictionary.

To permit you to do the filtering, the problem set code includes a procedure called word-in-dictionary? that takes a list of phonemes and checks whether this is a word in the dictionary. (In our idealized implementation, this amounts to simply concatenating the phonemes and checking whether this produces a word in the dictionary.)

Computer exercise 3:

Implement this plan. First, to provide some test data, create a ``chunk'' of phonemes corresponding to a single word:

(define one-chunk
       (phoneme-stream-from-list '(c a t)))))

Note that the chunk here is a list--split-stream-at-silences produces a stream of lists, and you are taking the first element in that stream. Since one-chunk is a list you can look at it by pretty printing it with pp (not stream-pp). You should find that there are 4 choices for the first phoneme (``c'' and three others), 3 choices for the second, and 4 choices for the third. Now generate the list of all choices. How many choices are there?

Next, implement a procedure called sensible? that takes a list of weighted phonemes and uses word-in-dictionary? to see if this is in the dictionary. (Word-in-dictionary? expects just the phoneme data, not the weights, so you'll have to extract these from the weighted phonemes.)

Having done this, you should be able to filter the list of choices to find the sensible ones, e.g.,

(pp (filter sensible? (all-choices one-chunk)))

You should find four possibilities that match words in our dictionary. What are these?
Check the 6.001 discussion forum for computer-ex-03
Look here for information about the forum.

Computer exercise 4:

Your result in exercise 3 should produce ``words'' that are lists of weighted phonemes. For further processing, it will be convenient to combine these weights to get an overall weight for the word rather than preserving the weights of the individual phonemes. Write a procedure combine-weighted that accomplishes this by taking a list of weighted elements and producing a single weighted element. The data part of the result should be a list of the data items of the individual weighted elements in the argument list, and the weight part of the result should be the product of the individual weights. Here's an example:

(combine-weighted '((c .6) (a .74) (t .5)))
;Value: ((c a t) .222)

By mapping combine-weighted down the list of results in exercise 3, you should get a list of possible words, each with a weight. You can now pass this result to a procedure called normalize-weights, which is supplied with the problem set code. Normalize-weights takes a list of weighted elements and normalizes the weights so that the sum of the weights is 1, and hence weights can be interpreted as probabilities. It also orders the list from largest to smallest weight.

Finally, define a procedure called possible-words, which performs all the operations that you did here and in exercise 3. Namely, possible-words should take as argument a chunk of output from the front-end processor, i.e., a list each of whose elements is a list of weighted phonemes. The procedure should generate all choices of phoneme sequences, filter these to find sequences in the dictionary, map combine-weighted down the resulting list, and finally normalize the weights.

Test your implementation of possible-words by applying it to one-chunk from exercise 3. Also try evaluating

 (stream-map possible-words

and typing a stream of phonemes (with words separated by stars) to see the stream of possible words for each phoneme sequence you enter.
Check the 6.001 discussion forum for computer-ex-04
Look here for information about the forum.

Computer exercise 5:

Suppose you enter a phoneme sequence for which there are no possible words in the dictionary. This should appear in your output from exercise 4 as an empty list. To make this more uniform with the other lists of possible words, it would be good to replace this with a list containing an actual weighted element. Write such a procedure, flag-unrecognized, which simply returns its argument, unless its argument is the empty list, in which case it returns a list of one weighted word whose data is the symbol *unrecognized* and whose weight is 1. Try your test from the end of exercise 4 again, only this time also stream-mapping the result through flag-unrecognized, and see what happens if you type a mixture of words and gibberish.
Check the 6.001 discussion forum for computer-ex-05
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Computer exercise 6:

Now put all this processing together by defining a procedure called recognize, which takes a phoneme stream (with words delineated by stars) and returns the stream of weighted choices for words. Namely, recognize should split the stream at silences, stream map possible-words along the result, and stream map this through flag-unrecognized. Test your procedure by trying it on phoneme-input-stream and noisy-phoneme-input-stream. For experimentation, you can find the definition of the dictionary in the file dict.scm. Feel free to add more words. Turn in some sample results.
Check the 6.001 discussion forum for computer-ex-06
Look here for information about the forum.

From words to phrases

With recognize from exercise 6 in hand, we're now in an analogous position to where we started with the results of the front-end processor. Rather than a stream of lists of weighted phoneme choices to assemble into words, we now have a stream of lists of weighted word choices. Can we perform the analogous operation--comb through the possible choices of words to produce phrases and sentences?

Let's start by simply generating all possible choices: Take a stream of word possibilities generated by recognize, transform this to a list (assume this is a finite stream), pass the result to all-choices and combine the weights and normalize them. As an example, try the following

(define (possible-phrases phoneme-stream)
    (all-choices (stream->list (recognize phoneme-stream))))))

Computer exercise 7:

Try the above approach. As test cases, use

(phoneme-stream-from-list '(a * b i g * p i g * r a n * b y * th e * d o g))
and also phoneme-input-stream. (Notice that you won't get any result printed here until you type a period to terminate the input stream.) Also try using noisy-phoneme-stream-from-list and noisy-phoneme-input-stream. Just as with the original problem of assembling phonemes into words, you should find that there are many potential sequences of words, only a few of which are sensible phrases.
Check the 6.001 discussion forum for computer-ex-07
Look here for information about the forum.

Making the system smarter

We're not going to ask you to take the next step and produce meaningful phrases from the combinations of words. That would take us into the realm of ongoing research in speech recognition, which would be a little intense for a one-week problem set (even in 6.001!).

Computer exercise 8:

Write a brief paragraph, describing how you think you might approach the problem of reducing the word choices to extract ``meaning''. Think back to the demonstration in lecture on March 31 of the work of the Lab for Computer Science's Spoken Language Systems Group and say how one might begin building a system of that type.
Check the 6.001 discussion forum for computer-ex-08
Look here for information about the forum.

Turn in answers to the following questions along with your answers to the questions in the problem set:

  1. About how much time did you spend on this homework assignment? (Reading and preparing the assignment plus computer work.)
  2. Which scheme system(s) did you use to do this assignment (for example: 6.001 lab, your own NT machine, your own Win95 machine, your own Linux machine)?
  3. We encourage you to work with others on problem sets as long as you acknowledge it (see the 6.001 General Information handout).

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Hal Abelson
Fri Mar 27 14:32:25 EST 1998