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1. Background

In this problem set, you will experiment with an idealized system for speech-recognition, with the primary aim of seeing how stream processing can be a powerful tool for manipulating certain kinds of data. We are going to make several simplifying assumptions (after all, we don't really expect you to build a state-of-the-art speech recognition system in one week).

First, we'll not worry about converting actual sounds to phonemes. Instead, we'll use a program that simulates the operation of a ``front end'' to the speech processor by taking a stream of symbols that represent phonemes and putting out a stream of results. Since speech signals are noisy, our simulation will produce, for each input ``phoneme'' a list of possible phonemes this ``sounds like,'' together with a probability that this is the actual phoneme that was ``heard.'' For example, the front end might determine that a phoneme is either an ``s'' with probability .8, or an ``sh'' with probability .15, or a ``c'' with probability .05. Our simulator will include a parameter that reflects the amount of noise--phoneme identification becomes less reliable as the noise increases.

Our second simplification is that we'll assume that the ordinary English spelling of words can be used as their phonetic spelling (which is false). In the speech-recognition community, phonemes correspond to specific speech sounds, and they are notated in a system like the International Phonetic alphabet. To keep things simple, we will approximate this by using substrings of words as phonemes. Thus, the word ``finish'' might be represented by the sequence ``f'' ``i'' ``n'' ``i'' ``sh''. Overall, we'll use the following set of ``phonemes'':

a b c ch d e ee f h i j k l ll m n o p qu r s sh ss t th u v w wh x y z

The following table shows, for our simple model, which phonemes can get mistaken for other phonemes by our (simulated) front-end processor:

(define *confusion-list*
  '((a o u) (b p d t g) (c k ch t) (ch s sh) (d th) (e i o a) (ee i o a) (f v)
    (g j ch) (h wh) (i e a o) (j g) (k c) (l r) (ll r) (m n) (n m) (o a)
    (p b t d) (qu k) (r l) (s sh) (sh s ch) (ss sh ch) (t d b p) (th d b p)
    (u o) (v f) (w u) (wh h) (x z s) (y i) (z s x)))

The interpretation of this table is that an input ``a'' could be heard as an ``a'' or an ``o'' or a ``u''; an input ``b'' as a ``b'', ``p'', ``d'', ``t'', or ``g'', and so on.

Our third and most important simplifying assumption is to assume that individual words in the input stream are clearly separated by silences, which we'll notate in the input stream by stars. Thus, the phrase ``the cat looked at the fish'' would appear as input to the font-end processor as

th e * c a t * l oo k e d * a t * th e * f i sh

In accordance with *confusion-list*, the front-end processor would report that the first phoneme is ``th'' or ``d'' or ``b'' or ``p'', the second phoneme is ``e'' or ``i'' or ``o'' or ``a'', and so on. Observe that these confusions are unrealistic: we'd do much better if we used real phonetic spellings.

In order to disambiguate the possible phoneme choices produced by the front end, our system will need to know which sequences of phonemes correspond to sounds. To do this, we'll use a dictionary that gives the ``phonetic spellings'' of common words. In our simplified approach, the phonetic spelling is the same as the real spelling, so to look up a sequence of phonemes, we'll concatenate the phonemes and see if this produces a word in the dictionary, which is a list of about a thousand common English words.

Our goal in this problem is to use these components to produce a system that can decode a noisy stream of phonemes into words and thus recognize what is being ``said.''

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Hal Abelson
Fri Mar 27 14:32:25 EST 1998