6.001 Spring 1998: (Non) Problem set 13

Final Exam announcement

Issued Tuesday, May 5, 1998

The 6.001 final will be held on Monday afternoon, May 18th, from 1:30-4:30 in the Athletic Center. Conflict exams must be scheduled through the Registrar's office. If you have a conflict with this time, contact the Registrar's Office, not the 6.001 staff. There are no excused absences from the final. If you miss the final, the only passing grade you can receive for the course is "O", and you will have to resolve this through the dean's office.

The final will be open book and open notes.

End-of-term grades for 6.001 will be available beginning on Thursday, May 21st, in NE43-430. You must come in person and give proof of your identity. We will not give out grades over the phone. Also, the Course 6 undergraduate office will not give out grades---please don't phone them to ask. Graded final examinations will not be returned, but they may be reviewed in NE43-430.

In order to help you review for the final, we distributed a copy of an old final in lecture on May 5. It will show you the sorts of questions you should expect. Note that this old exam was closed book, while this semester's final will be open book.

This old exam doesn't cover some of the newer material we included this semester: topics like cryptography, intellectual property, concurrency, Halting Theorem, and so on. All of these may appear on the final, so you should review your lecture notes on this material, and also look at the corresponding microquizzes, which you can find on the 6.001 web page. We also suggest that you review your problem sets, since some of the final questions will assume familiarity with the programming assignments. You may also want to bring your problem sets with you to the exam.

If you missed lecture that day, you can find copies of the old final outside Becky Bisbee's office at NE43-430.

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Last modified: May 11 1998, 4:09 PM