6.001, Spring Semester, 1997--Problem Set 8


Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
6.001--Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Spring Semester, 1997

Problem Set 8

Scheme Evaluators

Issued: Thursday, April 10, 1997

Due: Wednesday, April 23, 1997 for recitations held at 10 and 11; and on Friday, April 25, 1997 for recitations held at 9, 12, 1 and 2.

Tutorial preparation for: Week of April 14, 1997

Reading: Chapter 4 through section 4.2.2; attached code files meval.scm, analyze.scm, evdata.scm, syntax.scm, lazy.scm.


Quiz 2 is on Wednesday, April 16, from 5-7 PM xor 7-9 PM. Information on the quiz was distributed in lecture on April 10.

This problem set requires only a small amount of actual programming. Yet it is more challenging than any of the previous ones this semester, and it will require more careful preparation. You will be working with the evaluator described in chapter 4 of the notes. If you don't have a good understanding of how the evaluator is structured, it is very easy to become confused between the programs that the evaluator is interpreting, and the procedures that implement the evaluator itself. For this problem set, therefore, we are asking you to do some careful tutorial preparation. Once you've done this, your work in the lab should be fairly straightforward.

Part 1: Adding new derived expressions to Scheme

Early in the semester, we introduced the idea of ``syntactic sugar,'' that is, the notion that some of the special forms in our language can be expressed as simple syntactic transformations of other language elements. Examples are cond, which can be implemented in terms of if, and let, which can be implemented in terms of lambda. Such expressions are also call derived expressions. Your main job in this problem set will be to design and implement a new derived expression for Scheme.

Section 4.1.2 of the notes demonstrates how to implement cond as a derived expression: to evaluate a cond expression, we transform it to an equivalent if expression using the procedure cond->if; then we evaluate the transformed expression. Let can also be implemented as a derived expression, as explained in exercise 4.6. The code for this problem set already has let installed in just this way, using a transformer let->combination included in the file syntax.scm. You may wish to study this as an aid in implementing your own derived expression.

In doing your work, we'd like you to follow a step-by-step process. We'll illustrate this process with a new derived form called until.

Step 1:

Give some sample uses of the new form that show how you would like it to be used. For until, a simple example is

Step 2:

Give a careful description of what the form does. By examining your example in step 1 (and possibly some other examples), try to come up with a formal description of what your new construct does. For until the general form of the expression will be

The description is that until evaluates the test expression. If the result is true, the value returned by until is #t.gif If the result is false, until evaluates each of the expressions exp tex2html_wrap_inline221 in sequence, then goes back to repeat the test, and keeps doing this over and over until the result of the test is true.

Step 3:

Rewrite the example in step 1 in terms of more primitive Scheme expressions. For instance, in the example in step 1, the until subexpression, namely

can be rewritten as

Step 4:

Generalize the process in step 3 to cover the general description of the form in step 2. For until, the general form

can be rewritten as

Step 5:

Implement the transformation in step 4 as a procedure. The procedure takes the until expression and returns the transformed expression. This procedure can now be added to the syntax procedures of the evaluator, and an appropriate clause added to eval to handle the new type of expression. In our example, the transformation is

As this example illustrates, the special syntax characters backquote (`), comma, and at-sign (@) are extremely useful in writing syntactic transformations. Placing a backquote before an expression is similar to placing an ordinary quote before the expression, except that any subexpression preceded by a comma is evaluated. If a subexpression is preceded by comma at-sign, it is evaluated (and must produce a list) and the list is appended into the result being formed. For example:

We can, of course, define until->transformed without using backquote:

but this is much more awkward. Note that that the evaluated subexpressions of a backquote form can be actual expressions, not just symbols. Thus until->transformed can also be defined as

The until form is a very simple example of a derived expression that can be added to Scheme. Here are some other possibilities, with examples of how they are used. (We are purposely not saying precisely what these forms do, because we want you to fill in the details.)

This is a general iteration facility for one variable.

This is like for, except that there may be multiple loop variables.

This is similar to cond. However, there is an extra initial expression that is evaluated to produce a key, and each clause begins with a match list rather than a predicate. As with cond, match checks the clauses in sequence, and processes the actions of the first clause that passes a test. The test for a clause is not to check a predicate (as in cond) but rather to see if the key is eq? to an element of the clause's match list. For example:

extended cond syntax:
This is described in exercise 4.5.

Part 2: Tutorial exercises

Tutorial exercise 1:

In the expansion of until, why did we embed the loop in a let? What's wrong with expanding until as

Tutorial exercise 2:

Choose one of the new derived forms listed above at the end of part 1, or design a new (reasonable) form of your own, and carry out the first four steps of the implementation process described above. In tutorial, you should present a careful description of your form, one or two (reasonable) programs that use it, and you should describe the general transformation that implements your form as a derived expression. You should also start writing (but not necessarily debugging) the actual procedure that implements the transformation. If you have any questions (e.g., about backquote) this is the time to ask.

Tutorial exercise 3:

Do exercises 4.12 and 4.13. Be prepared to give arguments on both sides in 4.13.

Part 3: Lab exercises

The code for problem set 8 includes these files:

  1. syntax.scm are the procedures that define the syntax of expressions, as described in section 4.1.2
  2. evdata.scm are the procedures that define the evaluator's data structures, as in section 4.1.3. Any variable that is not found in the metacircular evaluator's global environment will be looked up in the underlying Scheme, and any actual Scheme procedure will appear to the metacircular evaluator as a primitive procedure. You can therefore make use of any Scheme primitive (or other procedure) in running programs in the metacircular evaluator.
  3. meval.scm is the metacircular evaluator described in section 4.1.1 of the notes. In order to avoid confusing the eval and apply of this evaluator with the eval and apply of the underlying Scheme system, we have renamed these procedures m-eval and m-apply.
  4. analyze.scm is the optimized evaluator, that separates analysis from execution, as described in section 4.1.7.
  5. lazy.scm is the analyze evaluator modified for lazy evaluation, as described in section 4.2.

You'll be working with each of the three evaluators (one at a time). Be careful, because it is easy to get confused with all these different evaluators. Here are things to keep in mind:

Lab exercise 1:

Load the files syntax.scm, evdata.scm, and meval.scm, and start the interpreter by running init. Evaluate a few simple expressions and definitions. It's a good idea to intentionally make an error and practice restarting the driver loop. Notice that we have already installed let in the evaluator, so you can use this in your programs. There's nothing to turn in for this exercise.

Lab exercise 2:

Let's first get some experience with the evaluator by adding a new special form. To do this, do exercise 4.4 of the text. Do only one of and or or, your choice. Also, please do this by installing the form as a special form, not as a derived expression.

Lab exercise 3:

Implement the new syntactic form that you prepared for tutorial. (You should probably add your transformation into the syntax file.) After it's implemented, write two or three (non-stupid) procedures that use your form, and demonstrate that they work. Advice: Debug your transformation procedure before installing it in the evaluator. In other words, check that your procedure takes an expression of the right form, and generates the transformed expression that you expect, before you hook this into m-eval and run the evaluator. Turn in your transformation procedure, a note on the modification you need to make to m-eval in order to install your new form, and examples of the evaluator interpreting procedures that use your form.

Speeding up the evaluator

This next problem asks you to demonstrate the gain in efficiency obtained by separating analysis from execution, as described in section 4.1.7. To install the second evaluator, load the file analyze and run init. You need not reload the syntax or evdata files. These are shared between the two evaluators. You can tell that you are typing at the second evaluator because the prompt will be A-EVAL=> rather than M-EVAL=>.

To help you time things, we've included the procedure timed. We've also supplied a procedure called mini-eval, which invokes the current embedded interpreter from Scheme. Thus, for example, you can find out how long it takes the evaluator to evaluate (fib 7) by quitting out of the evaluator (by typing ctrl-c ctrl-c) and running (in Scheme)

Be careful to define the procedure you are timing (e.g., fib) in the embedded evaluator, not in ordinary Scheme!. Otherwise, you'll end up timing the underlying Scheme evaluator.gif

You can switch back and forth between the two evaluators by alternately loading meval and analyze. You will have to rerun init each time, though, and redefine any procedures you are timing.

Lab exercise 4:

Design and carry out an experiment to compares the speed of the meval and analyze interpreters on a simple procedure. It's best to use tests that run for a reasonable amount of time (say 10 or 20 seconds). It's also good to use something like fib that has an input that varies the running time in an exponential way, so you can easily increase the time by changing the input. Turn in a description of your experiment and the results and describe what you can conclude from this about the relative speeds of analysis and execution times for your test programs.gif

Experimenting with lazy evaluation

You can start the normal-order evaluator described in section 4.2.2 by loading the file lazy.scm and running init. The prompt will now read L-EVAL=>.

Lab exercise 5:

Write two procedures test1 and test2 that distinguish between ordinary evaluation and lazy evaluation, in the following way: Each procedure takes a single argument, and the procedures are identical except that one has its parameter declared to be lazy and the other does not. Then demonstrate a way to call the procedures that distinguishes between them. That is, give an expression exp such that calling (test1 exp) always returns the same value, and calling (test2 exp) always returns the same value, but the two values are different. (Hint: Think about side-effects.)

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The translation was initiated by Jeremy Daniel on Thu Apr 10 15:35:11 EDT 1997

What the until form returns is not clear from the example in step 1. This is the kind of detail we need to specify in giving a careful description of the new construct.
See the descriptions of *unparser-list-depth-limit* and *unparser-list-breadth-limit* in the Scheme reference manual.
This is because of the way we've linked the interpreter into Scheme: If you define fib in Scheme, and not in the evaluator's global environment, lookup-variable-value will find the Scheme procedure fib and m-apply will treat this as a primitive.
Feel free to use a program that makes use of your new derived expression. If you do so, however, don't forget that you will have to install your new expression for the the analyze interpreter as well as the meval interpreter.

Jeremy Daniel
Thu Apr 10 15:35:11 EDT 1997