6.001 Fall 98:
Transferring files between the 6.001 lab and an Athena locker

Don't use FTP!

The 6.001 Lab does not support the Kerberos authentication system. If you telnet or FTP to an Athena workstation, you will be asked to type your password, and this password will be transmitted over the network in the clear (i.e., the information will not be encrypted). Anyone snooping on the network will be able to see your password. Since this is MIT, we assume that sniffers are on the network as a matter of course. If you are going to type your password in the clear on the network, you may as well publish it in the Tech.

So don't use FTP to Athena. Instead, there are two programs, called load-work and save-work, that move your 6.001 working files back and forth between lab machines and your Athena locker. These programs use scp (secure copy) to set up an encrypted tunnel to Athena, and all communication goes through the tunnel.

In general, when you work in the 6.001 Lab, your work is saved in a directory called work. All your work for the semester will end up in this directory, in files named, e.g., work/ps1-ans.scm, work/ps2-ans.scm, and so on. When you log in with a floppy disk to a machine in the 6.001 lab, the work directory is restored from the floppy. When you log out, the directory is copied from the lab machine's hard disk back to the floppy.

load-work and save-work work much the same way, except they use a directory named u6001 in your Athena locker rather than a floppy disk. You copy from Athena to the lab machine when you start work in the lab, and copy the work directory back to Athena when you are done. Once your files are on Athena, you can copy them to and from a personal machine. (But again, if you type your password over an unencrypted connection on the MIT network you are asking for trouble. Use SCP or Kerberized FTP.)

To copy your work from a lab machine to your Athena directory

  1. Open an xterm by pressing the left mouse button down on the grey background and choosing "xterm" from the menu that appears.

  2. Now in the xterm type
    save-work {your-athena-login-name}
    E.g., if your login name is Alyssa, you would type
    save-work alyssa

  3. The program will prompt for your Athena password and transfer the files from the work directory to your Athena directory. They will be placed in a subdirectory of your home directory called u6001.

    To copy your work from Athena to a lab machine

    1. Open an xterm by pressing the left mouse button down on the grey background and choosing "xterm" from the menu that appears.

    2. Now in the xterm type
      load-work {your-athena-login-name}
      E.g., if your login name is Alyssa, you would type
      load-work alyssa

    3. The program will prompt for your Athena password and transfer the files from your Athena directory to the work directory. The file are assumed to be on Athena in placed in a subdirectory of your home directory called u6001.

      Problems Using these Programs

      We've found that there is a problem that can crop up using these tools if certain dotfiles (such as .cshrc.mine or .environment) output text during the login process. This confuses scp and the transfer will not take place. In this case, you should edit your dotfiles so that anything which prints output is placed either in .startup.tty (for text-only logins) or .startup.X (for X logins). See the LA on duty or send mail to 6001-head-la@ai.mit.edu if you need help fixing your dotfiles.

      Logging in to Athena from the 6.001 lab

      It's common for students working in the 6.001 lab to simultaneously log in to Athena so they can read email or waste time with Zephyr. Don't do this using telnet. Instead, use ssh (secure shell), which sets up an encrypted tunnel, by typing
      ssh {machine-name} -l {your-athena-login-name}
      E.g., if your login name is Alyssa and you want to connect to an Athena dialup (all of which support SSH), you would type
      ssh athena.dialup -l alyssa

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      Last modified: August 30 1998, 2:17 PM