6.001 Recitation Presentation Evaluation

The goal of this form is to provide helpful feedback to the presenter, to give her/him constructive criticism to improve their presentation abilities. Remember that you will also be getting such feedback, so think carefully about how you want to phrase your comments.

Presenter Name:

For each of the following questions on the content of the topic, provide a rating from 1 (poor) to 5 (great):



Material was well organized +
Material followed a coherent topic +
Material covered right level of detail +

For each of the following questions on the delivery of the topic, provide a rating from 1 (poor) to 5 (great):



Presentation was clear and coherent +
Presentation made good use of board or handout +
Speaker did good job of engaging the audience +

Briefly list suggestions for improvement. Your thoughts here can be especially helpful - the most useful part of this evaluation!