Currently, Haystack defines the following format for configuration files:
This format is very simplistic, and does not allow for repetition of keys. Each key®value(s) mapping must reside on a seperate line. Values are assumed to be seperated by single spaces. Examples of keys are: HAYLOFT (the location of the user's Haystack repository), ObjectStore (the file used by the persistent object store), and CacheDirectory (the directory in which to maintain cached information). Lines that start with the `#' character are comments and are ignored.
HsConfigService currently provides only two interesting
interfaces: getVal(n) and getVal(n,i). The first
returns the Vector of values corresponding to the key n.
The second returns the string corresponding to the ith value for
key n. Both return exceptions if the key is not found (see
Appendix ).
The only other functional part of HsConfigService is the initialization routine which ensures that the user's Hayloft directory exists. If not, HsConfigService will create it, and check for read/write permissions.