I would like to especially thank David Karger and Lynn Stein for making this thesis possible in the first place. Without their encouragement and support I would not have been writing my Master's thesis today. Additionally, a great deal of the design of the Haystack system is a result of my interactions with David and Lynn. I would also like to thank Mark Asdoorian without whom Haystack would be much less functional than it is.
To Jerry Saltzer and Mitchell Charity who got me started in research: thank you. To the nice people at Stanford (Jason McHugh and Roy Goldman) who implemented Lore and then compiled the code, fixed the bugs, and explained the system to me: you guys are awesome.
Of course none of this would have been possible without my family and my friends, so thank you Mom and Dad, Udi, and Sara. Although you made me that much fatter, thanks Sasha for making sure I had enough sugar in my bloodstream and keeping me company at the LCS.