(Radiosity rendering of UC Berkeley Soda Hall, 1.25 Million Polygons).
Synthetic Imagery Group
The Synthetic Imagery Group is a new and expanding group in the Laboratory for Computer Science at MIT.
Digitizing Cities
Real-Time Ray-Traced Imagery
Managing Extremely Complex Geometric Datasets
Real-Time Graphics on General Purpose CPUs
Seth Teller (seth@lcs.mit.edu)
Michael Werman (werman@hrl.harvard.edu) Adjunct Faculty Member
Graduate Students
Satyan R. Coorg (satyan@graphics.lcs.mit.edu)
Rebecca W. Xiong (becca@graphics.lcs.mit.edu)
Stephen Hardt (hardts@graphics.lcs.mit.edu)
Eric Brittain (ericb@graphics.lcs.mit.edu)
Kavita Bala (kaybee@graphics.lcs.mit.edu)
George T. Chou (gtc@graphics.lcs.mit.edu)
Adam Holt (holt@graphics.lcs.mit.edu)
Jeffrey Feldgoise (jaf@mit.edu)
John Mellor (jpmellor@ai.mit.edu)
Justin Legakis (legakis@graphics.lcs.mit.edu)
Undergraduate Students
Adolfo Castellon (agcastel@graphics.lcs.mit.edu)
Mike Chow (mchow@graphics.lcs.mit.edu)
Cristina Hristea (christea@mit.edu)
Edward Slottow (edward@mit.edu)
Brian Gladstein (ginzerak@mit.edu)
Ivan Gonzalez-Gallo (ivan@graphics.lcs.mit.edu)
Nitin Kochhar (nkochhar@graphics.lcs.mit.edu)
Valentin Spitkovsky (val@graphics.lcs.mit.edu)
Brad Porter (bwporter@graphics.lcs.mit.edu)
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(updated 11/14/95)