Computational photography is a new field at the convergence of photography,
computer vision, image processing, and computer graphics. It leverages the power
of digital processing to overcome limitations of traditional photography and
it offers unprecedented opportunities for the enhancement and enrichment of
visual media. This advanced undergraduate course covers fundamentals and applications
of hardware and software techniques, with an emphasis on software methods. The
course will emphasize hands-on aspects and will culminate into a final project.
The goal is to provide students with sufficient backgrounds to implement new
solutions to photography challenges and opportunities.
Topics include cameras and image formation, image processing and image representations,
high-dynamic-range-imaging, human visual perception and color, single view 3D
model reconstruction, morphing, data-rich photography, superresolution, image-based
6.882 Meets with 6.098, but requires completion of additional homework and the presentation of a research paper.
Tuesday and Thursday 1-2:30pm in room 36-155
Programming assignment will be in Matlab.
Students are not required to own a digital camera, although it might help. Cameras will be available for loan.
Prereq.: 18.06 and 6.003
12 credits (3-0-9)
6.098 is U level, 6.882 is H level