6.893 User Interface Design & Implementation
Fall 2003
GR3: Computer Prototyping
Due 12:30 pm, Wed October 15, by email
In this group assignment, you will do the first computer-based
implementation of your
Your computer prototype should be:
- High fidelity in look.
Use this prototype to explore the graphic design of your final
implementation. Lay out screens as you want them to
appear in your final implementation. Make choices about colors,
fonts, alignment, icons, and white space. Your prototype need not
be pixel-for-pixel identical to your final implementation,
however. For example, the prototyping tool you choose may draw
standard widgets like buttons and scrollbars differently than your
final implementation.
- Medium fidelity in feel.
This prototype will run on a desktop computer with a mouse and a
keyboard. For most projects, the desktop is the target setting,
so your prototype will approach high fidelity in feel. For
pen-based or handheld projects, the mouse will only approximate the
feel of the final implementation. Also, your prototyping tool may
not support some interactions with high fidelity, such as
drag & drop. That's OK. You can simulate these
interactions with a little animation, or at least with a popup that
describes in English what would happen.
- Medium fidelity in breadth.
Your prototype
should be able to handle at least the 3 scenarios you described in your
task analysis. In addition, your prototype should include every
major screen or dialog you expect to have in your final implementation.
- Low fidelity in depth.
Don't implement any backend. Where system responses are needed,
make them canned (i.e., always the same) or random. Write minimal code, ideally none at all.
Here are some issues you should not
worry about in this prototype:
- Window resizing.
When a window is resized, its layout has to adjust to respond.
Don't worry about this for now. Determine a good default size for
your windows and design a good fixed layout for that size, using
absolute position for controls. Your final implementation
probably should support
window resizing, depending on the task, but you should decide how to
make your interface's default look as good as possible, before worrying
about variation. Those of you building handheld interfaces may
not need to worry about window resizing at all.
- Platform independence.
Your final implementation may need to run on multiple platforms --
different browsers, different operating systems -- but your prototype
doesn't need to look good or work well everywhere. Focus on one
platform for now.
- Reusing code for your final
implementation. Plan on throwing this prototype
away. We don't require you to use a prototyping tool that's
different from your final implementation toolkit, but doing so would
help discipline you to discard it.
After you hand in your prototype, it will be distributed to at least
two of your classmates, who will do heuristic evaluations of it for
PS3 and give their reports back to you. Since your evaluators
must be able to view and interact with your prototype, this puts some
constraints on how you implement your prototype. It must run on a
conventional desktop computer with a
mouse, keyboard, and screen, running at least one of the common
platforms at MIT (Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X). The
prototype you give to your evaluators can be any of the following:
- Java JAR file. All
four platforms can run Java programs.
- HTML. All four
have web browsers that support modern HTML and JavaScript (Internet
Explorer, Mozilla, Opera, Safari). You can require evaluators to
use a
particular web browser to ensure the correct appearance and operation
of your prototype, as long as the browser is commonly installed on at
least one of the four platforms.
- PowerPoint presentation.
Windows and Mac OS evaluators can use PowerPoint or the free
PowerPoint viewer to interact with it. Linux and Solaris
evaluators could use the free StarOffice or OpenOffice, which are
installed on Athena.
- Flash animation.
All four platforms have free Flash players.
- Windows, Linux, Solaris, or
MacOS X executable. You can assume that your evaluators
can find the appropriate kind of box if necessary. Most people
have Windows boxes at home; Athena clusters have Linux and Solaris
throughout campus; the MIT
New Media Center in 26-139 has public Mac OS X boxes.
If you want to hand in your prototype in a format not listed here,
check with Rob & Jaime first.
What to Hand In
By 12:30 pm on Wednesday,
October 15, you should hand in a report (electronically)
with the following parts:
- URL for your prototype.
Put your prototype in a place where it can be downloaded, and include
its URL in your report. All Athena users have a Public directory
which is accessible by the URL http://web.mit.edu/~username/Public/.
- Your prototype must remain frozen and accessible at this
location for two weeks after the due date.
- Your prototype must be downloadable as a single file.
Package multiple files into a ZIP archive for easy downloading.
- Startup instructions.
Specify the platform and software requirements for your
prototype. Give brief, step-by-step instructions for starting it
- Briefing (from GR2).
briefing you gave to users of your paper prototype describing the
purpose of your application and background information about the domain.
- User analysis, task analysis,
and scenarios (from GR1). For scenarios, use the stories
you told in GR1, not the abbreviated index-card tasks you used in GR2.
You don't need to include the sketches from GR1, since the prototype
now stands in for the sketches.
Your report wil be graded by us. Copies of the report will also
be sent (without our grading feedback) to your heuristic
evaluators. The components from GR1 and GR2 are included for the
sake of your heuristic evaluators, to help them understand and evaluate
your application in context.
Send your report in PDF or Postscript format by email to both Rob
Miller (rcm@mit.edu) and Jaime Teevan (teevan@ai.mit.edu).