6.893 User Interface Design & Implementation
Fall 2003

GR2: Paper Prototyping

Prototype Due: Wednesday, October 1, 2003, in class

Report Due: 12 Noon, Friday, October 3, 2003, by email to Rob & Jaime

In this group assignment, you will do your first implementation of your term project, which will be a paper prototype.  Your paper prototype should be able to handle at least the 3 scenarios you described in your task analysis.  You will test your paper prototypes on your classmates during an in-class prototyping session next Wednesday.

What to Prepare

Before Prototype Testing Day, you should:

Testing Day

Next Wednesday, October 1, the class will meet in NE43-518 instead of the usual location.  Don't be late, because we need all the time.  The 80-minute class period will be divided into two 40-minute halves, and the projects will likewise be divided into two groups.  During the first half, each team in Group 1 will run their prototype as a team while Group 2 people serve as users, individually.  During the second half, we'll switch, and Group 2 teams will run their prototypes on Group 1 people.

When you are running your own group's prototype, you should do the following things for each user:
Bring extra materials on Testing Day.  Having extra blank Post-it notes, correction tape, and index cards on hand will help you improvise if a user does something unexpected, or help you make small fixes to your prototype between users.

When you are serving as a user, you should:

What to Hand In

By 12 noon next Friday, October 3, you should hand in a report (electronically) with the following parts:
Send your report in PDF or Postscript format by email to both Rob Miller (rcm@mit.edu) and Jaime Teevan (teevan@ai.mit.edu).