6.893 User Interface Design & Implementation
Fall 2003
GR1: Task Analysis
Due Wednesday, September 17, 2003, in class
In this group assignment, you will start the design of your term
project by doing the following:
- User analysis. Identify the characteristics of
your user population, as we discussed in lecture. If you have
multiple user classes, identify each one.
- Task analysis.
Determine the tasks of the problem you've chosen, analyze their
characteristics, and answer the general questions about tasks we asked
in lecture. Think about other questions you should ask that might
be particularly relevant.
You should find and analyze 3-6 tasks. If you can't find that many
tasks in your problem, try drilling down to more specific tasks,
and consider exceptional and emergency tasks. If you still can't, then
the problem may be too small to serve as a good
- Scenario design.
Choose 3 important tasks and invent a scenario for each one -- a
concrete example of the task, performed in a hypothesized
interface. Use rough sketches to illustrate what the interface
might look like at important points in the task.
To gather information for the user and task analysis, you should
interview 3 representative
users who face your problem (at least 1 from each user class, if you
have multiple user
classes). If possible, observe them dealing with the problem in
their real work environment. When you write up your analysis,
don't provide a narrative of these sessions.
Instead, offer your conclusions, and justify them when you can by
referring to observations. For example, "grocery shoppers may be
distracted by children; one mother was repeatedly harrassed by her son
to buy some candy."
When you draw your sketches for the scenario design, don't get bogged
down in details like wording, icon appearance, or layout. Keep
things simple. Putting too much time into low-level details is
pointless if big things have to change on the next design
iteration. Hand-drawn sketches
are encouraged.
What to Hand In
Your report should be around 5 pages, including sketches, handed in as
hardcopy. Include the following parts:
- Title. Give your project
a title, if you haven't already.
- Problem. Briefly restate
your problem.
- Users. Describe
each of your user classes.
- Tasks. Describe
each of the 3-6 tasks you have identified. Every task should have
a goal, preconditions, subtasks (if any), and exceptions (what can go
wrong). Also include a paragraph describing other relevant
features of the task, such as time constraints or frequency of use.
- Scenarios. Describe
scenarios involving your 3 most important tasks. Where your task
descriptions were abstract (e.g., "Buy groceries"), your scenarios
should be concrete (e.g., "Frodo stops by the supermarket on his way
home from work to buy some milk, bread, and tomatoes...")