6.893 User Interface Design & Implementation
Fall 2003
GR0: Project Proposal
Due Wednesday, September 10, 2003, in class
The heart of this course is a semester-long project, in which you will
design, implement, and evaluate a user interface. User interface
design is an iterative process, so you will build your UI not just
once, but three times, as
successively higher-fidelity and more complete prototypes. In order to
have time for these iterations, we need to get started on the project
as early as possible.
Project groups may consist of 1, 2, or 3 people. Two is the ideal
number, not only because you can share the workload, but also because
user testing is easier with two
experimenters --- one to run the experiment, and the other to observe
and take notes. You can submit a project proposal as an
individual, if you like, but we may encourage individuals with similar
project ideas
to join forces.
You have a lot of freedom in choosing your topic. Here are some
guidelines to help you pick a good one.
- Your project must have a substantial
user interface. A program that merely plays an MP3 file is not
enough; a player that allows the user to browse and organize an MP3
collection would be better.
- The user interface must be interactive.
A web site that is merely a static collection of web pages would not be
acceptable; an e-commerce web site with
product search and a shopping basket would be better.
- Creative, original
projects are preferred. There are countless MP3 players and
e-commerce shopping baskets out there. If your project falls in a
crowded field like that, you should look for a problem in the area that
isn't well handled by existing solutions.
Your project might be connected to research that you're doing outside
class. If you or someone in your research group has a system that
needs a better user interface, that may be a possible project.
Most projects will probably be desktop applications, but you can
propose other kinds of UI if they are appropriate to the problem you're
trying to solve: e.g., web sites, speech, handhelds,
or ubiquitous computing. It must at least be
possible to simulate your
project on the desktop, since one of your prototypes will be such a
simulation. Don't overextend yourself; if none of your team
members have any handheld programming experience, for example, you may
want to think twice before proposing a project that requires it.
The teaching staff can help a little with alternative UIs, but we don't
know everything.
To spark your imagination, here are some examples of possible projects:
- Customizable remote controls.
An interface that lets a user create and use customized remote control
panels for embedded devices, e.g. lights, A/V equipment, home
- Collaborative whiteboard.
An interface that allows multiple users to draw pictures or diagrams
together across the network. (e.g., a group of students
collaborating over Zephyr might use this to work on a project; a family
chatting on IM might use it to share pictures of grandkids)
- Route planner. An
interface that gives driving directions between two points on a map,
allowing the user to adjust the route and compare alternate routes
easily. Related ideas: walking directions around a campus,
directions by subway or bus, directions by wheelchair.
- Photo organizer. An
interface for organizing, annotating, and sharing digital photos.
- Kitchen assistant.
An interface that manages recipes and helps the user plan, shop for,
and cook a meal.
- Block
diagram editor. An
interface that makes it easy to draw the kinds of block diagrams
typically used in computer science (e.g., finite state machines, module
dependency diagrams, system architecture diagrams).
- Meeting room scheduler.
An interface for locating a meeting room with appropriate requirements
(size, equipment) and reserving it.
- Field guide. An
interface that helps birdwatchers identify birds in the field by sight
or sound and record their sightings.
- Circuit simulator. An interface that lets a student
construct, simulate, and debug circuits of logic gates.
What to Hand In
Your proposal should be about a page long, and include the following
- Problem. Describe the problem(s) that your
project will seek to solve. Take the user's point of view.
Consider what the user's goals are, and what obstacles lie in the
way. Note the project ideas above are not problems --- they're
solutions. For example, "build a customizable remote control"
would be an unacceptable answer to this part.
- Target
users. Characterize the user
population that faces the problem you're trying to solve.
- Solution. Describe a possible solution to the
problem --- i.e., the interface that you envision, and how it will
address the problem. You aren't absolutely committed to your
solution, since you may find after building and evaluating some
prototypes that a wholly different solution will work better.
- Group members. List the members of your group.
Only one proposal is needed from each group. It should have
all the group members' names on it. Hand it in as hardcopy, in
class, next Wednesday.