Exercise 2: Finding and Using Geometric Software

6.838/4.214: Interactive Geometric Data Structures and Computation

The point of Exercise 2 is to get you to try out some of the geometric software that's out there.  You'll also contribute to the class archive
by finding and downloading at least one package which you've found,
and your observations about it.

Exercise 2 is due Monday, 9 March.

Try all the packages currently under /mit/6.838 .  This means:
cd to the directory; read the README file; run the executable
and try out the software.

For three of the packages, write a short (one page of ascii)
description of something you've learned from running the
software.  This might be a new insight about some geometric
data structure, an interesting input or output configuration,
or anything else.

Now, using the course resource list as a starting point (if you
wish), find one other geometric code, download it to your space
on imagery (under /mit/imagery3/6.838/S98/students/*), and
make it work locally (i.e., build it).  Choose a reasonable name
for the directory in your space.  Then write a short description
of what it does, and what changes you had to make to build it
locally.  Call your description "README.MIT" and leave it in the
top-level directory for the package.  Neel will then merge your
package with the class repository for others' use.

To hand in, by email:

    Use the subject line "6.838 Exercise 2"

    Three short reports as noted above.

    One report on the package you found.

    The location of the package under /mit/imagery3.

Course Page

Last modified: Feb 1998

Seth Teller, MIT Computer Graphics Group, seth@graphics.lcs.mit.edu