Visualization Toolkit upgrade to release 2.0p1
The 2.0p1 release of the Visualization Toolkit for SGI has been installed in
the vtkit_v2.0 locker. To access it and run demos
compiled from C++ code, do "add vtkit_v2.0", followed by "set_vtk_demos".
This will pop open a new window containing a number
of C++ demos (ending with a .cxx extension). To compile one of these
(such as Mace), type "make Mace" within this window. Eventually a
binary "Mace" will be produced which you can run directly.
A major advantage of this new installation is that dynamic linking is
now supported- this will greatly reduce the size of your binaries, by
a factor of 10 or more- to get static linking, use Makefile.s by doing
something like "make -f Makefile.s Mace". You can compile your own
code by adapting Makefile and Makefile.s in the demo directory. Please
read file /mit/vtkit_v2.0/README.dynamic_linking if you plan to do
dynamic linking.
There are also Tcl demos which you can run by cd'ing to one of the Tcl demo
directories (../examplesTcl, ../graphics/examplesTcl, ../imaging/examplesTcl,
../contrib/examplesTcl, ../patented/ExamplesTcl), and then doing
"run_vtk mace.tcl" (and so on).
Some of the demos will fail due to various errors or missing data files- some
data sets supplied with the Toolkit are very large and were not installed
to save space. Some will run but take a long time to start- up to several
minutes on an Indy. Generally if you see a flat black or red window appear,
the demo is still starting up.
Performance is significantly improved if you have access to an O2- if you
compile C++ demos on the latter, the compiler will issue many warning
messages but the binaries still seem to work.
There are many online man pages in html- open your Web browser with file
/mit/vtkit_v2.0/www/atoz.html to access these, and see also file
/mit/vtkit_v2.0/www/README.html for general information.
Although this release has a python interface, it is currently not installed.
This message is in file /mit/vtkit_v2.0/Athena/messages/upgradev2 if you
want to see it again.