Meeting 3: Projection, Duality,
6.838/4.214: Interactive Geometric
Data Structures and Computation
Presenters: Marc, Prof.
-> Presentation
To present:
Representation of 2D Cartesian
coordinates (naive approach)
Show expressions for line from
two points, point from two lines
Show that only "local" (non-infinite)
points are representable
Show that representing a direction
requires a "tag bit"
to distinguish x,y points
from x,y directions
Representation of homogeneous
Show addition of line at infinity;
allows representation of directions
Operationally, extend (x,y)
to (x,y,w) representation
one point is excluded from
the representation
Show operators: cross
product of points is line; etc.
Show again the result of "degenerate"
cases from above
Show perspective transformation
(example of a collineation;
a transformation that takes
lines to lines, preserves incidence)
Initial look at predicates
(incidence, sidedness, etc.)
three points collinear <=>
dual statement?
three points a, b, c make "left
turn" <=> dual statement?
(note: ordering removes sign
what should be relation of
leftof (a,b,c), leftof (b,a,c), etc.?
exhibit a,b,c with inconsistent
predicates as floats
what predicates are preserved
under perspective?
Introduce notion of duality
between spaces
Show single duality (polar,
d -> 1/d), w/help of idual
What is the benefit of duality:
Detect degenerate configurations
(many copunctual lines)
Introduce convex hull (nails
in plane, wrapped with string, etc.)
Show point inside/outside convex
hull of other points
halfspace redundant/non-redundant
Intersection of convex polygons
Finding a line that intersects
set of line segments, etc.
Intersection of set of circles,
Show several other dualities,
from relabeling to more complex
For each, show equation, static
example, dynamic example
Generalizations to 3D
point (3D euclidean, 3D homogeneous),
3 points <=> plane, 3 planes
<=> point; show
point and plane are dual, analogous
to 2D case
show relabeling dual; show
polar dual
what happens to 3D lines under
this duality? why?
To demonstrate:
in geometer:
in idual:
in sphere:
To discuss:
Primitive representation, data
Fundamental operations on points,
lines in 2D
Extensions to higher dimensions
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Last modified: Feb 1998
Seth Teller, MIT Computer Graphics