and the Mean
Curvature is
where S is the Shape operator (negative derivative of the unit vector field, called also Second Fundamental Tensor), and k1(p), k2(p) are the Principal Curvatures (max and min of the normal curvature of a surface).
See also John Oprea, Differential Geometry and its applications,
Prentice Hall, 1997
See reference book for equations
with (plots):
dp := proc(X,Y)
X[1] * Y[1]
+ X[2] * Y[2] + X[3] * Y[3];
nrm := proc(X)
sqrt( dp(X,X)
xp := proc(X,Y)
local a,b,c;
a = X[2] *
Y[3] - X[3] * Y[2];
b = X[3] *
Y[1] - X[1] * Y[3];
c = X[1] *
Y[2] - X[2] * Y[1];
Jacf := proc(X)
local Xu,
Xu := [ diff(X[1],u)
, diff(X[2],u), diff(X[3],u) ];
Xv := [ diff(X[1],v)
, diff(X[2],v), diff(X[3],v) ];
[Xu,Xv] );
EFG := proc(X)
local E,F,G,Y;
Y := Jacf(X);
E := dp( Y[1],
Y[1] );
F := dp( Y[1],
Y[2] );
G := dp( Y[2],
Y[2] );
[E,F,G] );
geoeq := proc(X)
local M, eq1,
M := EFG(
X );
eq1 := diff(u(t),
t$2) + subs({u=u(t), v=v(t)},
diff(M[1], u)/(2*M[1])) * diff(u(t),t)^2
+subs({u=u(t), v=v(t)}, diff(M[1],v)/(M[1]))
*diff(u(t),t)* diff(v(t),t)
-subs({u=u(t), v=v(t)}, diff(M[3],u)/(2*M[1]))
*diff(v(t),t)^2 = 0;
eq2 :=
diff(v(t),t$2) - subs({u=u(t), v=v(t)},
diff(M[1], v)/(2*M[3])) * diff(u(t),t)^2
+subs({u=u(t), v=v(t)}, diff(M[3],u)/(M[3]))
*diff(u(t),t) * diff(v(t),t)
+subs({u=u(t), v=v(t)}, diff(M[3],v)/(2*M[3]))
*diff(v(t),t)^2 = 0;
eq1, eq2;
plotgeo := proc( X, ustart, uend, vstart, vend, u0, v0,
Du0, Dv0, n, gr, theta, phi )
local sys,
desys, dequ, deqv, listp, j, geo, plotX;
sys:= geoeq(X);
desys := dsolve(
{sys, u(0) =u0, v(0) = v0,
D(u)(0) = Du0, D(v)(0) = Dv0 },
{ u(t), v(t)}, type = numeric,
output = listprocedure );
dequ := subs(desys,
u(t) ); deqv := subs(desys, v(t) );
listp := [seq(subs({u=dequ(j/n[3]),
v= deqv(j/n[3]) },X),
j=n[1]..n[2] ) ];
geo := spacecurve(
{listp}, color=black, thickness=2 ):
plotX := plot3d(
X, u=ustart..uend, v=vstart..vend,
grid=[gr[1],gr[2]] ) :
display( {geo,
plotX}, style = wireframe, scaling = constrained,
orientation = [theta,phi ] );
Tor := [(5+cos(u)) * cos(v), (5+cos(u)) * sin(v), sin(u) ];
geoeq( Tor );
plotgeo(Tor, 0,2*Pi, 0, 2*Pi, Pi/2, 0, 0, 1, [0,240,15], [20,20], 0, 60 );
Huge thanks to Neel !
Eric Amram, Feb 1998, MIT 6.838 Advanced Topics in Computer
Graphics - Prof. Seth Teller.