Curvature and geodesics



Mathematical definitions

Gaussian curvature of a surface M at point p is 

and the Mean Curvature is 

where S is the Shape operator (negative derivative of the unit vector field, called also Second Fundamental Tensor), and k1(p), k2(p) are the Principal Curvatures (max and min of the normal curvature of a surface).

See also John Oprea, Differential Geometry and its applications, Prentice Hall, 1997

More intuitively

In any case, it is related to the second derivative of the surface.



Curve of smallest length that join two points on a surface.

See reference book for equations

Maple demo

with (plots):

dp := proc(X,Y)
        X[1] * Y[1] + X[2] * Y[2] + X[3] * Y[3];

nrm := proc(X)
        sqrt( dp(X,X) );

xp := proc(X,Y)
        local a,b,c;
        a = X[2] * Y[3] - X[3] * Y[2];
        b = X[3] * Y[1] - X[1] * Y[3];
        c = X[1] * Y[2] - X[2] * Y[1];

Jacf := proc(X)
        local Xu, Xv;
        Xu := [ diff(X[1],u) , diff(X[2],u), diff(X[3],u) ];
        Xv := [ diff(X[1],v) , diff(X[2],v), diff(X[3],v) ];
        simplify( [Xu,Xv] );

EFG := proc(X)
        local E,F,G,Y;
        Y := Jacf(X);
        E := dp( Y[1], Y[1] );
        F := dp( Y[1], Y[2] );
        G := dp( Y[2], Y[2] );
        simplify( [E,F,G] );

geoeq := proc(X)
        local M, eq1, eq2;
        M := EFG( X );
        eq1 := diff(u(t), t$2) + subs({u=u(t), v=v(t)},
                diff(M[1], u)/(2*M[1])) * diff(u(t),t)^2
                +subs({u=u(t), v=v(t)}, diff(M[1],v)/(M[1]))
                *diff(u(t),t)* diff(v(t),t)
                -subs({u=u(t), v=v(t)}, diff(M[3],u)/(2*M[1]))
                *diff(v(t),t)^2 = 0;
        eq2 :=  diff(v(t),t$2) - subs({u=u(t), v=v(t)},
                diff(M[1], v)/(2*M[3])) * diff(u(t),t)^2
                +subs({u=u(t), v=v(t)}, diff(M[3],u)/(M[3]))
                *diff(u(t),t) * diff(v(t),t)
                +subs({u=u(t), v=v(t)}, diff(M[3],v)/(2*M[3]))
                *diff(v(t),t)^2 = 0;
        eq1, eq2;

plotgeo := proc( X, ustart, uend, vstart, vend, u0, v0,
                Du0, Dv0, n, gr, theta, phi )
        local sys, desys, dequ, deqv, listp, j, geo, plotX;
        sys:= geoeq(X);
        desys := dsolve( {sys, u(0) =u0, v(0) = v0,
                        D(u)(0) = Du0, D(v)(0) = Dv0 },
                        { u(t), v(t)}, type = numeric,
                        output = listprocedure );
        dequ := subs(desys, u(t) ); deqv := subs(desys, v(t) );
        listp := [seq(subs({u=dequ(j/n[3]), v= deqv(j/n[3]) },X),
                j=n[1]..n[2] ) ];
        geo := spacecurve( {listp}, color=black, thickness=2 ):
        plotX := plot3d( X, u=ustart..uend, v=vstart..vend,
                                grid=[gr[1],gr[2]] ) :
        display( {geo, plotX}, style = wireframe, scaling = constrained,
                        orientation = [theta,phi ] );

Tor := [(5+cos(u)) * cos(v), (5+cos(u)) * sin(v), sin(u) ];

geoeq( Tor );

plotgeo(Tor, 0,2*Pi, 0, 2*Pi, Pi/2, 0, 0, 1, [0,240,15], [20,20], 0, 60 );


Huge thanks to Neel !


Eric Amram, Feb 1998, MIT 6.838 Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics - Prof. Seth Teller.