6.838/4.214J  Advanced Topics in Rendering

Fall 1999

Course Structure

The course meets 21 times. It will not formally meet the last week of classes (11/29-12/3).

The first meeting will be informational. We will assign paper topics to student groups.

The next 14 meetings will be paper reviews. Generally, 3-4 papers on a related topic will be covered at each class meeting, and each topic will be assigned to groups of 2-3 students. The format of each of these review sessions will be a 15 min introduction by one of the instructors, a 30-min student-led discussion, followed by a 30-min group discussion lead by the instructors and presenting students. You are not specifically graded on the paper topics that you present (though it will be considered in the class participation component). Each student is required to turn in a one-page (<700 words total) review of the all the papers discussed on a given day at the beginning of class (later evaluations will not be accepted). At a minimum, the evaluations should discuss the following:

Before drop date, each student will submit a written project proposal. Group projects will require special permission from the instructors, and the division of labor must be well enough defined that the separate project proposals clearly indicate each individual's contribution. You should make every effort to discuss both the scope and duration of your project with one or both instructors before the write-up is due.

After drop date students will present a short overview of the project that they are proposing. The discussion will be limited to 20 minutes, 15 minutes for the presentation and 5 for questions. This will allow for 4 presentations per day for the remaining 6 classes. Thus, if more than 24 students remain enrolled we will have to schedule extra class meetings. The proposal overviews should include the motivation, previous work, and potential contributions of the proposed work. You can expect critical comments during presentation that might effect the final direction of your project, thus there is an advantage to presenting early. The order of the presentations will be decided by the instructors and made public in class on November 8.

Each student must arrange to present their final project during the last week of classes (11/29-12/3). The presentation must accommodate both instructors and must not exceed 1 hour in length.



30% ..... Final Project
20% ..... Project Status Report
10% ..... Project Proposal
20% ..... Paper Evaluations
20% ..... Class Participation