Massachusetts Institute of Technology

6.838J/4.214J - Geometric Computation

Presentation Schedule

Date, Lecture Number: Topic: Presenter:
Thu Sep 6, L1  Introduction, 2D Hull Seth Teller
Tue Sep 11, L2 Segment Intersection Piotr Indyk
Thu Sep 13, L3 Low-Dimensional Linear Programming Nati Srebro
Tue Sep 18, L4 Polygon Triangulation Daniel Vlasic
Thu Sep 20, L5 Orthogonal Range Searching Erik Demaine [Guest lecturer]
Tue Sep 25, L6 Point Location / Spatial Indexing David Pritchard, Sergi Elizalde
Thu Sep 27, L7 Voronoi Diagrams Allen Miu
** Thu Oct 18, L8 ** Robustness and Perturbation Schemes Chee Yap [Guest lecturer]
Thu Oct 4, L9 Arrangements and Duality Darius Jazayeri
Thu Oct 11, L10 Delaunay Triangulations Glenn Eguchi
Tue Oct 16, L11 Representing Polyhedra Fumei Lam
** Thu Oct 25, L12 ** Convex Hulls Jason Yang
Tue Oct 23, L13 Representing Smooth Surfaces Ken Takusagawa
** Tue Oct 2, L14 ** Binary Space Partitions Kevin Thompson
Tue Oct 30, L15 Kinetic Algorithms Charles Dumont
Thu Nov 1, L16 Robot Motion Planning Philippe Cheng
Tue Nov 6, L17 Quadtrees and Non-Uniform Meshing Tyeler Quentmeyer
Thu Nov 8, L18 Visibility Data Structures Seth Teller
Tue Nov 13, L19 Medial Axis, Surface Reconstruction Matthew Seegmiller, Adam Smith
Thu Nov 15, L20 Higher- and High-Dimensional LP Nicole Immorlica
Tue Nov 20, L21 Closest Pair Rados Radoicic
Tue Nov 27, L22 Approximate Nearest Neighbor Nitin Thaper
Thu Nov 29, L23 Iterative Algorithms Brian Perrin, Mohammad Hajiaghi
Tue Dec 4, L24 Approximate Nearest Neighbor (Hamming) Vahab Mirrokni
Thu Dec 6, L25 Low-Distortion Embeddings Jan Vondrak
Tue Dec 11, L26 Reductions to Approximate Nearest Neighbor Mihai Badiou