Line-Drawing Algorithms

Our first adventure into scan conversion.

Photo of an HP pen-plotter
  • Scan-conversion or rasterization
  • Due to the scanning nature of raster displays
  • Algorithms are fundamental to both
    2-D and 3-D computer graphics
  • Transforming the continuous into this discrete
  • Line drawing was easy for vector displays
  • Most incremental line-drawing algorithms
    were first developed for pen-plotters

Most of the early scan-conversion algorithms developed
for plotters can be attributed to one man, Jack Bresenham.
Lecture 5 Slide 2 6.837 Fall '98

Line drawing is our first adventure into the area of scan conversion. The need for scan conversion, or rasterization, techniques is a direct result of scanning nature of raster displays (thus the names).

Vector displays are particularly well suited for the display of lines. All that is needed on a vector display to generate a line is to supply the appropriate control voltages to the x and y deflection circuitry, and the electron beam would traverse the line illuminating the desired segment. The only inaccuracies in the lines drawn a vector display resulted from various non-linearities, such as quantization and amplifier saturation, and the various noise sources in the display circuitry.

[Photo of an HP plotter] When raster displays came along the process of drawing lines became more difficult. Luckily, raster display pioneers could benefit from previous work done in the area of digital plotter algorithms. A pen-plotter is a hardcopy device used primarily to display engineering line drawings. Digital plotters, like raster displays, are discretely addressable devices, where position of the pen on a plotter is controlled by special motors called stepper motors that are connected to mechanical linkages that translates the motor's rotation into a linear translation. Stepper motors can precisely turn a fraction of a rotation (for example 2 degrees) when the proper controlling voltages are applied. A typical flat-bed plotter uses two of these motors, one for the x-axis and a second for the y-axis, to control the position of a pen over a sheet of paper. A solenoid is used to raise and lower the actual pen when drawing and positioning.

The bottom line is that most of the popular line-drawing algorithms used to on computer screens (and laser and ink-jet printers for that matter) were originally developed for use on pen-plotters. Furthermore, most of this work is attributed by a single man, Jack Bresenham, who was an IBM employee. He is currently a professor at Winthrop University.

In this lecture I will gradually evolve from the basics of algebra to the famous Bresenham line-drawing algorithms (along the same lines as a famous paper by Bob Sproull), and then I'll discuss some developments that have happened since then.