This week, we add global illumination to our Ray Caster. Because we cast secondary rays to account for shadows, reflection and refraction, we can now call it a Ray Tracer. You will encapsulate the high-level computation in a RayTracer class that will be responsible for sending rays and recursively computing colors along them.
To compute cast shadows, you will send rays from the visible point to each light source. If an intersection is reported, the visible point is in shadow and the contribution from that light source is ignored. Note that shadow rays must be sent to all light sources. To add reflection and refraction effects, you need to send secondary rays in the mirror and transmitted directions, as explained in lecture. The computation is recursive to account for multiple reflections and or refractions.
For debugging we provide you with code to visualize the ray tree created while computing the color of a single pixel.
PhongMaterial::PhongMaterial(const Vec3f &diffuseColor, const Vec3f &specularColor, float exponent, const Vec3f &reflectiveColor, const Vec3f &transparentColor, float indexOfRefraction);
You should also implement appropriate accessor functions for these fields.
RayTracer(SceneParser *s, int max_bounces, float cutoff_weight, bool shadows, ...);
The main method of this class is traceRay that, given a ray, computes the color seen from the origin along the direction. This computation is recursive for reflected or transparent materials. We therefore need a stopping criterion to prevent infinite recursion. traceRay takes as additional parameters the current number of bounces (recursion depth) and a ray weight that indicates the percent contribution of this ray to the final pixel color. The corresponding maximum recursion depth and the cutoff ray weight are fields of RayTracer, which are passed as command line arguments to the program. Note that weight is a scalar that corresponds to the magnitude of the color vector.
Vec3f traceRay(Ray &ray, float tmin, int bounces, float weight, float indexOfRefraction, Hit &hit) const;
To refract rays through transparent objects, traceRay is also passed the indexOfRefraction (see below), and returns the closest intersection in hit, which is used to create the depth & normal visualizations. You can test your code at this point with examples from previous assignments.
Vec3f mirrorDirection(const Vec3f &normal, const Vec3f &incoming);
Trace the secondary ray with a recursive call to traceRay using modified values for the recursion depth and ray weight. The ray weight is simply multiplied by the magnitude of the reflected color. Make sure that traceRay checks the appropriate stopping conditions. Add the reflected contribution to the color computed for the current ray. Don't forget to take into account the reflection coefficient of the material.
bool transmittedDirection(const Vec3f &normal, const Vec3f &incoming, float index_i, float index_t, Vec3f &transmitted);
We make the simplifying assumption that our transparent objects exist in a vacuum, with no intersecting or nested refracting materials. This allows us to determine the incident and transmitted index of refraction simply by looking at the dot product between the normal and the incoming ray. You may assume that the camera is always placed outside of transparent objects.
However, be careful about the direction of the vectors and the ratio of refraction indices. Because we now consider transparent objects, we might hit the surface of a primitive from either side, depending on whether we were inside or outside the object. The -shade_back command line option should be used when there are transparent objects in the scene.
The dot product of the normal and ray direction is negative when we are outside the object, and positive when we are inside. You will use this to detect whether the new index of refraction is 1 or the index of the hit object. Also, the index of refraction for the material surrounding the ray origin is passed as an argument to traceRay.
void RayTree::SetMainSegment(const Ray &ray, float tstart, float tstop); void RayTree::AddShadowSegment(const Ray &ray, float tstart, float tstop); void RayTree::AddReflectedSegment(const Ray &ray, float tstart, float tstop); void RayTree::AddTransmittedSegment(const Ray &ray, float tstart, float tstop);
The main ray is visualized in gray, shadow rays green, reflected rays red and transmitted rays blue. You will not create an instance of RayTree, but rather just call the static member functions. The calls will look something like:
Most of the time these function calls do nothing. But when the RayTree is activated, the segments of the ray tree will be recorded. The glCanvas::initialize method now requires a third argument:
void initialize(SceneParser *_scene, void (*_renderFunction)(void), void (*_traceRayFunction)(float, float));
You'll need to provide a function that takes in two floating point numbers, the x and y coordinates in screenspace (0,0) -> (1,1) of the current mouse position, and traces the ray through the scene. Your call to traceRay from within traceRayFunction should look very similar to your call to traceRay from within your main rendering loop. Note: all the activation/deactivation of the RayTree is taken care of in GLCanvas::keyboard().
raytracer -input scene4_01_sphere_shadow.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_01.tga -shadows
raytracer -input scene4_02_colored_shadows.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_02.tga -shadows -gui -tessellation 50 25 -gouraud
raytracer -input scene4_03_mirrored_floor.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_03.tga -shadows -bounces 1 -weight 0.01 -gui
raytracer -input scene4_04_reflective_sphere.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_04a.tga -shadows -bounces 0 -weight 0.01 raytracer -input scene4_04_reflective_sphere.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_04b.tga -shadows -bounces 1 -weight 0.01 raytracer -input scene4_04_reflective_sphere.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_04c.tga -shadows -bounces 2 -weight 0.01 raytracer -input scene4_04_reflective_sphere.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_04d.tga -shadows -bounces 3 -weight 0.01
raytracer -input scene4_05_transparent_bar.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_05.tga -shadows -bounces 10 -weight 0.01 -shade_back -gui
raytracer -input scene4_06_transparent_bars.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_06a.tga -shadows -bounces 0 -weight 0.01 -shade_back -gui raytracer -input scene4_06_transparent_bars.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_06b.tga -shadows -bounces 1 -weight 0.01 -shade_back -gui raytracer -input scene4_06_transparent_bars.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_06c.tga -shadows -bounces 2 -weight 0.01 -shade_back -gui raytracer -input scene4_06_transparent_bars.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_06d.tga -shadows -bounces 3 -weight 0.01 -shade_back -gui raytracer -input scene4_06_transparent_bars.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_06e.tga -shadows -bounces 4 -weight 0.01 -shade_back -gui raytracer -input scene4_06_transparent_bars.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_06f.tga -shadows -bounces 5 -weight 0.01 -shade_back -gui
With OPTIONAL transparent_shadows
raytracer -input scene4_07_transparent_sphere_1.0.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_07.tga -shadows -bounces 5 -weight 0.01 -shade_back -gui -tessellation 30 15 raytracer -input scene4_08_transparent_sphere_1.1.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_08.tga -shadows -bounces 5 -weight 0.01 -shade_back -gui -tessellation 30 15 raytracer -input scene4_09_transparent_sphere_2.0.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_09.tga -shadows -bounces 5 -weight 0.01 -shade_back -gui -tessellation 30 15
With OPTIONAL transparent_shadows
raytracer -input scene4_10_point_light_distance.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_10.tga -shadows -gui
raytracer -input scene4_11_point_light_circle.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_11.tga -shadows raytracer -input scene4_12_point_light_circle_d_attenuation.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_12.tga -shadows raytracer -input scene4_13_point_light_circle_d2_attenuation.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_13.tga -shadows
raytracer -input scene4_14_faceted_gem.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_14a.tga -shadows -shade_back -bounces 0 -weight 0.01 raytracer -input scene4_14_faceted_gem.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_14b.tga -shadows -shade_back -bounces 1 -weight 0.01 raytracer -input scene4_14_faceted_gem.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_14c.tga -shadows -shade_back -bounces 2 -weight 0.01 raytracer -input scene4_14_faceted_gem.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_14d.tga -shadows -shade_back -bounces 3 -weight 0.01 raytracer -input scene4_14_faceted_gem.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_14e.tga -shadows -shade_back -bounces 4 -weight 0.01 raytracer -input scene4_14_faceted_gem.txt -size 200 200 -output output4_14f.tga -shadows -shade_back -bounces 5 -weight 0.01
raytracer -input scene4_14_faceted_gem.txt -size 200 200 -shadows -shade_back -bounces 1 -weight 0.01 -gui raytracer -input scene4_14_faceted_gem.txt -size 200 200 -shadows -shade_back -bounces 2 -weight 0.01 -gui raytracer -input scene4_14_faceted_gem.txt -size 200 200 -shadows -shade_back -bounces 3 -weight 0.01 -gui
See the main Assignments Page for submission information.