6.837 Intro to Computer Graphics, Fall 2003
Assignment 3: Ray Tracing and Phong Materials

Scene description file grammar

file ::= camera lights background group
camera ::= orthographicCamera | perspectiveCamera
orthographicCamera ::= OrthographicCamera {
    center Vec3f
    direction Vec3f
    up Vec3f
    size float
perspectiveCamera ::= PerspectiveCamera {
    center Vec3f
    direction Vec3f
    up Vec3f
    angle float
lights ::= Lights {
    numLights int
^ numLights
light ::= directionalLight | pointLight
directionalLight ::= DirectionalLight {
    direction Vec3f
    color Vec3f
pointLight ::= PointLight {
    position Vec3f
    color Vec3f
    ( attenuation float float float )+
materials ::= Materials {
    numMaterials int
^ numMaterials
material ::= phongMaterial
phongMaterial ::= PhongMaterial {
    diffuseColor Vec3f
    ( specularColor Vec3f )+
    ( exponent float )+
    ( transparentColor Vec3f )+
    ( reflectiveColor Vec3f )+
    ( indexOfRefraction float )+
background ::= Background {
    color Vec3f
    ambientLight Vec3f
group ::= Group {
    numObjects int
    (object3D | materialIndex object3D)
^ numObjects
object3D ::= group | transform | sphere | plane | triangle | triangleMesh
transform ::= Transform {
transformation ::= Translate { Vec3f }   |
Scale { Vec3f }   |
XRotate { float }   |
YRotate { float }   |
ZRotate { float }   |
Rotate { Vec3f float }   |
Matrix { float ^ 16 }
sphere ::= Sphere {
    center Vec3f
    radius float
plane ::= Plane {
    normal Vec3f
    offset float
triangle ::= Triangle {
    vertex0 Vec3f
    vertex1 Vec3f
    vertex2 Vec3f
triangleMesh ::= TriangleMesh {
    obj_file string
materialIndex ::= MaterialIndex int
Vec3f ::= float float float

How to read a grammar:

Start with the top level rule, in this case file. To expand a rule, substitute the appropriate definitions for each of the elements in bold. Some special notation:

| means "OR"
^ n means "exactly n elements"
* means "zero or more elements"
+ means "zero or one elements"