Java Example
    Next, the source of the file is shown.
    	import java.applet.*;
    	import java.awt.*;
    	public class Demo extends Applet {
    		Image image;
    		int count;
    		public void init() {
    		    image = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "world.jpg");
    		    count = 1;
    		public void paint(Graphics g) {
    		    g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this);
    		    for (int y = 15; y < size().height; y += 15) {
    		        int x = (int) (size().width/2 + 30*Math.cos(Math.PI*y/75));
    		        g.drawString("Hello", x, y);
    		    showStatus("Paint called "+count+" time"+((count > 1)?"s":""));
    		    count += 1;
    You can get the source here and the world.jpg image here.
Lecture 1   Slide 30   6.837 Fall '01