The Draw Method
    public void Draw(Raster r) {
        int width = r.getWidth();
        int height = r.getHeight();
        if (!triangleSetup(width, height)) return;

        int x, y;
        int A0 = edge[0].A;     int B0 = edge[0].B;
        int A1 = edge[1].A;     int B1 = edge[1].B;
        int A2 = edge[2].A;     int B2 = edge[2].B;

        int t0 = A0*xMin + B0*yMin + edge[0].C;
        int t1 = A1*xMin + B1*yMin + edge[1].C;
        int t2 = A2*xMin + B2*yMin + edge[2].C;

        yMin *= width;
        yMax *= width;

        //     .... scan convert triangle ....
        for (y = yMin; y <= yMax; y += width) {
	        int e0 = t0;
	        int e1 = t1;
	        int e2 = t2;
	        boolean beenInside = false;
	        for (x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++) {
	            if ((e0|e1|e2) >= 0) {       // all 3 edges must be >= 0
		            r.pixel[y+x] = color;
		            beenInside = true;
	            } else if (beenInside) break;
	            e0 += A0;
	            e1 += A1;
	            e2 += A2;
	        t0 += B0;
	        t1 += B1;
	        t2 += B2;
Lecture 6   Slide 16   6.837 Fall '00