DCT example
By clicking on the image below you can transform it to and from it's Discrete Cosine Representation.

The DCT like the FFT is a separable transfrom. This means that a 2-D transfrom can be realized by first transfroming in the x direction, followed by a transforms in the y direction.

The blocksize shown here is 8 by 8 pixels.
Notice how the transformed image is a uniform gray color. This is indicative of a correlated image. In fact, most of the coefficients in a DCT transform are typically very close to zero (shown as gray here because these coefficients are signed values). Both JPEG and MPEG take advantage of this property by applying a quantization to these coefficents, which causes most values to be zero.

If we ignore floating point trucation errors, then the DCT transformation is an entirely lossless transform. The loss incurred in JPEG and MPEG types of compression is due to the quantization that is applied to each of the cofficients after the DCT transform.
Lecture 4   Slide 31   6.837 Fall '00