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[6.837] Reminder problem set, and don't forget...

HI Everyone,
	This is a reminder that the problem set is due tonight (10/16) at

* Don't forget:
to use the turnin command.

from athena:
attach imagery2
cd /mit/imagery2/6.837/F00/<username>
cd <your project2 folder>
% turn in your relevant files, something like:
turnin -c 6.837 2 *.html *.dat *.java *.class 

* Don't forget to comment your code and to explain your decision, and your
in-depth discussion 

* Also your applet should run from the netscape browser accessing your
project page from the students page (we'll most likely run it from IE):


* Your source code should be linked from your project page

these are just some reminders.  All requirements and ground rules are
listed on the problem set itself.

Hector Briceno