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[6.837] info on Problem Set 2
Just to let you know we have updated the page for problem set 2
Additions are:
-Make sure you applet's area is 400x400
-Put all three applets (one applet per data file: test, tea, cow) in one
web page as the one in class
(dont forget your in-depth discussion)
-Dont forget to test your applet by following the links from our web page
(ie. go to the students link, click on your name, click on project2, and
your project should work).
-We have updated the code for setLightDir
Your basic sphere class looks like:
public class Sphere implements Drawable {
protected static float lx, ly, lz;
public Sphere( );
public Sphere(float x, float y, float radius, int fillColor);
public static void setLightDir(float x, float y, float z) {
float t = 1.0f/(float) Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
lx = x*t;
ly = y*t;
lz = z*t;
public void Draw(Raster raster);
- DONT FORGET: to turn in your code by using the 'turnin' command
from athena. Once you are done, go to the directory where you have your
files and say:
turnin -c 6.837 2 *.html *.dat *.java *.class <and other important
^^^ this 2 is important.
As a side note, there is a possibility that the 'turnin' command will not
work for 5 minutes during monday morning. If that happens just run it
again 10 minutes later.
Good Luck,
Hector Briceno