6.831 User Interface Design & Implementation
Fall 2004

HW1: User Interface Hall of Fame and Shame

Due Wednesday, September 15, 2004, in class

Help populate the UI Hall of Fame and Shame!  Find 2 examples of good user interface design, and 2 examples of bad user interface design.

Your examples should be specific.  It's very hard to find a large interface that's completely good or completely bad, so don't try.  Instead, focus on a particular feature or aspect of a user interface that makes your case.  Avoid fuzzy words like intuitive and user-friendly.  Find concrete reasons for your judgement.

You aren't limited to desktop software.  Web sites offer many great candidates for fame and shame.  You aren't even limited to traditional computer interfaces.  Feel free to go out into the real world, and consider consumer appliances, car dashboards, building entrances, traffic intersections, shower controls, etc.  (Norman's book Design of Everyday Things includes a lot of examples of this kind, which you may find inspirational.)

Your handin should include 2 good examples and 2 bad examples.  For each example:
Hand in your problem set as hardcopy on Wednesday.