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RE: pipeline instructions

There is very clear documentation in
http://city.csail.mit.edu/bmg/bmgnotes.html, but I didn't find anything
similar checked into CVS. The README_WILLTOR file in
walkthru/mit/src/documentation/ gives a nice overview, but without
instructions. The other readme files in that directory can be pieced
together to cover the specifics.

Side note, right now I'm working on instructions for an introductory
pipeline demo - lays out the steps to manually run one building through the
pipeline: http://www.mit.edu/~ewhiting/bmg/pipeline_demo.htm


-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Teller [mailto:teller@csail.mit.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:31 PM
To: bmg@graphics.csail.mit.edu
Cc: Grayson Giovine; Tina Y Hsieh
Subject: pipeline instructions


does there exist an end-to-end description of how
to check out, build, run, and view the results of
the BMG pipeline?  i recall drafting one with
students but not if or where it was checked in to

we could use this -- have a new student (mikem)
joining the BMG effort, and two other UROPs
(grayson and tina, cc'ed) who will be using the
registered floorplans for visualizing georeferenced
MIT-relevant data (asset tags).

