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Dunnage =?gb2312?b?QmFnc6Oss+TG+Na9tPwtLdTLyuSxo7ukyfE=?= 15






Atmet充气纸袋的外袋是用PPPE覆膜的牛皮纸制成,坚韧而牢靠,  内袋是用以LLDPE为主制成的可充气的多层共挤塑料袋。 这是一种创新的和简便易用的运输保护工具。


1.  充气纸袋有什么用?


2.  运输中发生货损的最普遍因素是什么?


3.  如何决定使用什么大小的充气纸袋 ?

l         测量货物之间的空隙大小

l         测量货物码垛的整体高度

l         测量托盘的深度或货物包装尺寸的深度


4.  货物之间的空隙与充气纸袋宽度的关系

200 mm 空隙 - 推荐500 mm宽的充气纸袋

300 mm 空隙 - 推荐800 mm 宽的充气纸袋

400 mm 空隙 - 推荐1000 mm宽的充气纸袋

5.    充气纸袋需要保护吗?


6.  使用充气袋需要什么工具?


以上工具为通用的气动工具,可在当地市场方便购到。当然,如果您能一次性采购超过100 充气袋,我们将赠送一把专用的充气枪给您。

7.  充气袋能否重复使用?


l         由于我们无法与控制用户对充气纸袋的使用状况,所以我们无法保证充气纸袋能重复使用的次数

l         重复使用时请在外袋加贴“需循环使用,请勿损坏”的标识,提醒收货方对气袋的保护。








电话: 021- 68183456

传真: 021-68183458



Atmet Dunnage Air Bagan unique protection tools for transporting cargoes.  Save you money from unnecessary handle with CARELESS.


We care about your products!  AtMet dunnage air bag is much different to other air bags in the market place. We invest the most rigid materials into our Dunnage Air Bag to protect your products as a result.  Outer shell is reinforced by high strength Kraft paper with PP and PE woven bag. Core of AtMet dunnage air bag is using LLDPE multiple layer inflatable materials so as to provide better protection to your cargoes. This user-friendly bag is being accepted and commonly used in transportation industry nowadays.


1.  What is the function of  Dunnage Air Bag?

It’s function is to fill voids, brace loads, absorb vibrations, better protection of lading than any other form of air bag during transporting cargoes by trucks or rail cars.  AtMet dunnage air bags are less expensive than other materials such as lumber, nails and also reduce labor cost.


2.  What is the general reason of cargo damage during transportation?

Cargo damage is caused commonly by shifting backward and forward during transportation when too much void but without filling the space.


3.    How do I determine what size dunnage bag to use?


a.          Measure void between cargo,

b.          Measure distance from floor to the top of load,

c.           Measure the depth of pallet size or cargo packaging dimension.


4.    What is the maximum void recommended for dunnage bags?

200 mm void - recommended 500 mm width dunnage air bag

300 mm void - recommended 800 mm width dunnage air bag

400 mm void - recommended 1000 mm width dunnage air bag


5.    Does  dunnage air bag require any type of protection?

It is very important to place corrugated, or some type of smooth surface on either side of the dunnage bag to protect from rough edges. (wooden crates, pallets, etc.)

6.       What type of equipment is necessary to inflate dunnage bags?

Inflator tool and Air compressor.


Inflator tool and air compressor are available in the market.  However, we would provide one inflator tool as free if you purchase 100+ pcs per order.


7.    Does  Dunnage Air Bag is reusable?

The answer is yes. However, our concern is selling a reusable bag is as follows:

1.    We do not have any control over how a bag is used; therefore, we cannot guarantee how many               times it can be used.

2.      The bags have a significant up charge. Most customers do not have enough control to get the bag

back, thus they pay for a bag to reuse that they do not get to reuse. Many times bags are punctured

to release the air and thrown away. However, we have added an additional label to try to eliminate

this problem.









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