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His Excellency ,
How are you and your family? I hope all is well with you
and this message gets to you in a good health.
I write to inform you about my desire to run and investment
partnership with you for a long and mutual benefit
overthere in your Country and to buy a living house in your
Country.And I hope that this transaction will be given an
urgent approval and will be treated with the strictest
I am JOHNSON SAVIMBI from Angola, my Late Father General
SAH JONAS SAVIMBI was a well Re-knowned Rebel Leader who
controlled the Gold and Diamond Regions of Angola for 27
years before he was later killed by the government troops
of President ANTONIO DON SANTOS of Angola.but before he
died, he revealed and handed to me all the whole relevant
documents covering the deposit of two trunk boxes in a
where my younger sister is schoolling.
I made a threatening political statement against our
present incubent President ANTONIO DON SANTOS.as a result
of this I was singled out by the whole nation of Angola as
another dangerous threat to peace and stability in my
Several attempts was made by the government and by some
disgruntled individuals to assasinate and eliminate me.
When I saw that my life was under serious threat,I decided
to leave the country and seek for political asylum in
neighbouring Congo with my younger sister.
Furthermore,my father stepped on many toes while he was
carrying out his rebel activities and many of his enemies
are after me. I stayed in Congo for 1 month, I then flee to
COTONOU-BENIN inorder to claim what my father left for me
there to inherit,but reaching there I was unable to claim
it because of the demurrage fee.
My father deposited two boxes containing valuables under
the custody of a Security Company Vault
for safekeeping here in COTONOU-BENIN.
My father did not disclose the content of the boxes to the
Security Company, so that they can not raise eyebrow
against him,rather he disguised and deposited it as FAMILY
The real content of the first box is 200kg of 22karrat plus
alluvial gold dust.While the other one contains $45 million
u.s.a dollars.
Please, I want you to assist me to claim this consignment
from the Security Company here in COTONOU.and move it to
your Country.And also to help me transfer the physical cash
into your bank account for purely investment purposes.
I am ready to sign an undertaking to release 15% of this
total money to you and the remaining 85% will be purely for
investment purpose.I am now living under the status of a
refugee fleeing from persecution and threat to my life.
I have the United Nations High Commission For Refugees
Protection(UNHCR) documents covering my stay here in Benin
as a refugee seeking protection and security.
I believe that you are a trusted and reliable person as I
want to go into business relationship with you.And I fully
hope that you will not betray me at last.
Please this is an urgent request.
I am waiting to hear from you bye.
Yours Sincerely,
Johnson Savimbi.