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Email Rejection

Our junk-mail/spam detectors have been triggered by a message sent 
from your email address:-
  To: angelina@elknet.net
  Subject: Re: Secure delivery
  Date: Thu Jul  8 01:41:16 2004

If you did not send this message, then please disregard this notice. It 
is quite common for spammers to forge the 'From:' address, just be aware 
that this has occured. No reply or response to us is required.

We have rejected this message. Please do not ask for a copy, we do not 
have a copy as we rejected the message.

The content and/or layout of the message indicates that it is probably 
UCE (spam) or junk e-mail, which is why it has been rejected.

All email messages must conform to the ElkNet Acceptable Usage Policy:

If you feel your message needs to get to its intended recipient, please consider these two options:

1) Submit a sample of the rejected email to 'abuse@elknet.net' and we can 
see what triggered the filters. Do not attach the message you wish to have
examined to an introductory note. By attaching it to another email, you
drastically change its scoring.

Send the introductory note, then seperatly send the email to be examined
by itself, exactly as it was sent when rejected (except of course change the
'To:' address to 'abuse@elknet.net')


2) Send a short, simple, plain text message to your recipient suggesting they consider contacting us (abuse@elknet.net) and 'opting-out' of our filtering service.

If you have any questions about this, please contact abuse@elknet.net.

ElkNet Postmaster
ElkNet E-Mail Scrubbing Service