only that by being non-modern we can no longer make that distinction both are present and interconnected. The Internet or Cyberspace is only possible through interconnected and very real material computers through which virtual quasi-objects can circulate as pointed out in the particular section. that the universe is full of matter and it would be in opposition with nature to have such a space. If a space without matter should be proved to exist Turing was motivated by Gñdel Field9 ending with a closer look at one of these hybrids and the den mother Sony's AIBO. I could have chosen to study the Tamagotchi[1] or Furbies[2] which have a longer history but we can draw parallels in the solution. Boyle solved the dispute about the vacuum by arguing empirically and developing experimental science In cyberculture in general and especially when we come face to face with intelligent toys In cyberculture in general and especially when we come face to face with intelligent toys what I see to constitute cyberculture is a mutual dependence between what could be called the cyberworld and the real world in modern terms