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Bugs found in building model results.
- To: bmg@graphics.csail.mit.edu
- Subject: Bugs found in building model results.
- From: Faye M Kasemset <fmk@MIT.EDU>
- Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 17:35:10 -0400
- User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.2
Hi all,
I'm not sure how many of these bugs are already known, but I have been examining
some of the building models with the roofs of different floors taken off, and
have encountered the following discrepancies:
1. On the basement floor of Building 34 (34.0), the models have difficulties
with the coatroom/storage spaces off to the sides. A couple of the portals
visible in the pdf version of the floorplans are missing, and (probably as a
result) the space marker "SS", which has a portal opening into it on the plan,
is missing. It does not have walls or floors.
2. In building 66, many of the walls seem one-dimensional. This is a fault, I
believe, with the original floorplans, as some room-dividing walls are
represented as a single line, with no width. On the ground floor (66.1), the
doors at the back of the building (the stick off at an angle) are not drawn,
and the front section of the buildling, with its revolving door and side doors,
is not drawn correctly at all. Also, this section of the buildling (the open
space between the enclosed stairwell and the revolving door) has no outward
face, as it is not being included as part of the buildilng "contour". Neither
the space above nor below it has this extra contour. Also, there are portals
missing around the front stairwell as well as possible extras (see 66.3).
Basically, the portals to stairwells and storage spaces are still issues, as are
the revolving doors. I'll send more as I notice them. On the plus side,
floors like the lower floors of Buildling 10 look really nice: