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Re: UROP Stuff.


thanks for your note.  i thought that, due to the earlier
round of emails, we were meeting on W this week.  sorry.

on your progress:  excellent!  next time you're in the
lab let's sit down and look at the results together.  it's
great that this new capability is better enabling us to
spot glitches in the pipeline.

regarding space:  for files which can be regenerated
automatically in principle (as opposed to authored files,
for example your notes and source code), it's fine to
write them into /scratch space.  using this space should
not count against your quota.

regarding what to look at next:  let's discuss, also
with mike, when he's feeling better and back in the lab.

see you tomorrow or later this week. again, nice work !

prof. t.

Faye Kasemset wrote:

Hi Prof. Teller,

Since I don't know if you're meeting with us or not today (it's 7ish now),
I thought I'd e-mail you a link for some roof-less floors that I put
online.  Square buildlings like 10 and 24 look OK, but buildlings like 34
and 66 have occasional strangeness.  For 34.2, there is an outer contour
on the bottom of part of it, but not floor, since there is actually no
floor there (it's the atrium area).  That's just 'cause I gave walls2 just
that floor as the whole buildling for that model.

It's pretty cool, 'cause I can really see where some of the stairwells are
missing or the program is misreading walls vs. portals (66_1 is a good
example, on the end near Buildling 56).

Mostly, I've been looking through the different buildings and comparing
them with the floorplans (which I wasn't able to link to, unfortunately).
Sadly, I had to redo stuff after my account disk quota was exceeded and
my version of some of the files was lost :(.  Adel upped my quota,
though, so it's all good now.

Here's some of the iv files:

I'm still working on the lecture notes from the graphics class.  Please
let me know if there is a particular part of the code
(buildling-to-buildling portals, building-to-outside portals, stairwells)
that you think I should look at first.

Thanks a lot,
