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Re: meet tuesday
hi guys,
i am around this week but i'm a bit busy today (i wasn't sure if we were
going to meet this week). i can come in tomorrow/thurs/fri and possibly
later this evening. let me know what you think.
on a positive note, i am a few steps closer to having MITquest work
again.. check out http://city.lcs.mit.edu/bmg/mitquest (choose "show me a
route" for now). it *should* work, up to firewall issues (RMI requires
randomly generated port numbers to be open), so if you're in the lab it
ought to be fine. apparently RMI can be tunneled over HTTP without too
much effort and i'm looking into that now.
On Mon, 22 Mar 2004, Seth Teller wrote:
> BMG'ers, let's meet tomorrow in the graphics annex
> (the open area just outside my office, 333 -- inside
> "the twins" portion of the building).
> please also come help set up the common area machines;
> we have a linux box, a PC, and a couple of SGI's to
> share.
> prof. t.