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Re: today

vitaly, thanks for the update.

let's meet next T afternoon as usual.

prof. t.

vkulikov@mit.edu wrote:

Sorry, I missed you email. Here is the list of things that I got done this week:

1. I went through the program one more time, did some minor modifications, cleaned everything up, and added some relevant comments.

2. I broke the program into the main executable and several static libraries. Now, the project looks like:

Basemap Generator Executable
     |        |        |
     |        |        |
Geometry   BitMapGr.  UG/DXF-parser
     \        |        /
      \       |       /

Yesterday, I worked with Peter to modify the makefiles and made sure that everything compiled under UNIX as well as under Windows.

3. I wrote and tested the code responsible for integration of basemap and building models, but found it somewhat unreliable because of some CDT issues that I do not yet competely understand. I think I found a few to get around the problem, and I am trying it now.

Michael, do you have the data I need to cut out the basemap pieces that correspond to different buildings?

4. I received an answer from the MIT data guys. Here is what they write:

Greg: "I think we should hold all "issues" until we post the new basemap - which should be soon... Within the next month or so Mike?"

Mike: "Yes. Absolutely." (answer to Greg)

5. My plans now is to finish the integration part and implement the procedure for including the topology information.


are we meeting today ? it's 5, i'm around, grab me if you're in.